
Wednesday, April 22, 2009

In my letterbox

Lovely things have arrived in my letterbox this week....

I won this beautiful flannel bunny in Miss Muggins' Easter Giveaway. She doesn't have a proper home just yet, as I'm a little disorganised, so she's currently minding my books in the bookcase.

I've christened her Missy. She looks like a Missy, and I think it suits her to a tee.

I'm planning on making a new home where she can join Jane the Kiwi, Esther Bunny, and Cherry.

I also received a lovely package of teatowels from Selina at Selina's Vintage.........

They're all beautiful, but this one is my favourite. 1974 was the best year! .

Thanks so much Laurel and Selina!


  1. Wow, your postie sure has been busy. Lots of lovely things, lucky you. :)

  2. What a lovely bunny! I'm sure she will be a sweet companion!

  3. it must be like Christmas this week in your house, with more to come!

  4. Such a cute bunny. She makes me want to giggle with happiness. I am having a giveaway of brand new but old teatowels and would love to include you even if you don't win! Cherrie

  5. May I please live in your mail box? I feel I would possibly be blissfully happy there!

  6. That bunny is such a sweetie! Glad Cherry will have a little friend.

  7. You're a lucky bunny to win such an awesome bunny, must check out Miss Higgins, site!
    Esther may be a little overwhelmed sitting next to such a big bunny!
    good to see lots of creativity going on here!!

  8. What a lucky sausage you are! Are the tea towels destined to be aprons? I saw a fantastic tea towel wallet recently, spied in a the mitts of a girl on a train. I have a few like your 1974 one but I still haven't worked out what to do with them. My dad has a fantastic quilt made of such items, now there's an idea!

  9. Wow a pink magnolia tea towel. My last blog was about my pink magnolia.

  10. Congrats on winning Selina's giveaway, you lucky thing. We may be doing a chenille swap, how cool. You were born in 1974 weren't you? You mention it a lot, so was I! SNAP!

  11. lovely bunny to win :)

    ooh a quilt made from the teatowels like beck suggested would look neat. mom wanted to make a quilt out of harley davidson bandannas from all over the world. wonder what she did with them all....

  12. how cute is that bunny! adorable!


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