
Saturday, January 2, 2010

Cute and Cuddly

What's the most appropriate use for a vintage Koala Tea Towel?

A Koala Tea Towel Apron of course....

This one is heading overseas very very soon!


  1. Very cute indeed! Glad to see some more apron action happening at Curlypops Headquarters.

  2. That apron is beautiful. I love the nice, simple shape. I have an Australiana table-cloth packed away in the shed that might make nice aprons....

  3. Inspiring! As usual! Hope your overseas recipient loves it.

  4. Aprons are my thing at the moment and I think your's is fabulous....well done! Pop over to my blog and have a look at one made from jeans...its impressive too.
    Kind Regards

  5. he he he!! that is super cute!!
    Just when my tea towels thought they were safe!!
    Now the cute ones have a home in my too long to do list!! Mandi

  6. Hello! Just found your blog.
    How cute!
    We had to make the tea towel apron in high school. Yours is way cuter - I love how you've added the side bits and trimmed it.

  7. Oh wow LOVE it and so perfect for Australia Day! :)

  8. Great tea towel and even better as an apron! Is it a big tea towel or just a very slim and petite poser it is posed on?

  9. Oh Cam, I LOVE this one!! Like Liesl I'm happy to see some apron action again. xo

  10. That would be the safest way to wear a Koala!! hehe.. They have such sharp claws... Great tea towel!!

    My word capture is redrum... Are you a Shinning fan??

    xo Steph

  11. THanks for finding that link - I am going to go and have another look and leave a comment so she can have a squiz at my, I am sure, much less posh version!

  12. That's lovely. It goes really well with the floral fabric, too.

  13. Oh wow! It looks fabulous!!! I'll have to send down the other ones I have stored for you!

  14. this is gorgeous! the owner will be very happy im sure.


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