
Sunday, January 3, 2010

Skirting Inspiration

Front View - Frances is quite a bit smaller than me - hence the pins!

I promised myself before Christmas that I would use some of my holiday time just to make some things for me. I'm always sewing for other people, and hardly ever make anything for myself.

At the very top of the list was a skirt. After my previous disastrous attempt, I needed to just start again from scratch. I've been watching in awe at some of the beautiful skirts that have been popping up about the place, so I finally made some time today to have a go myself.

Rear view

I borrowed Sew What Skirts from Bec a couple of weeks ago (I've since ordered a copy from Amazon... just waiting for it to arrive).

I decided to make myself an A-line tablecloth skirt from the book, using a.......eeeeerrrr tablecloth suprisingly!

To make the front pockets, I just cut two feature pieces from the tablecloth, interfaced the backs of both for some extra strength, and then added bias binding around all four sides, before sewing them into place.

The method in the book for adding a zipper was pretty simple too.  Mine certainly isn't perfect, but it's completely functional.

I decided to topstitch both the waistband and the bottom hem using red thread for an extra highlight..... not that this loud print really needs and extra highlighting.

I didn't quite measure myself properly in the beginning, so I did have to make an adjustment to the side seams for fitment, and I wish I had made it a little bit longer (again my own dodgy measuring skills). I would have also preferred it to be a little more A-line. My hip measurement is not much different than my waist measurement which caused the lack of A-lineness problem.

This ended up taking me about three hours in total, but I learned a few very interesting lessons which will make it much easier to whip up a few more with the correct measurements from the beginning!


  1. Nice job matching up the print either side of the zipper!

  2. It looks so good! You might have to start whipping some of those up to sell ;)

  3. Looks good Cam... Note to self must keep you out of my linen cupboard and tablecloths....

  4. Oh I just love it! Great job! It is just too cute, I want one too!
    Sophie x

  5. your zipper looks so good! That fabric is too fantastic I love it so much!!! It looks ace- esp. with those boots!

  6. Gorgeous skirt Cam. I think it is a great length. I'd show off my legs if they looked like yours!

  7. WOW your rockin' that skirt pops!
    You look all set to go shopping at ikea or something love the fun retro style!

    Ive never attempted a zip but I thinkyou have inspired me :)

  8. Jennie's right, did you fluke that match up either side of the zip? Well done if you did. You've inspired me to make something out of my own book, now, ta!

  9. super-cute well done, that fabric really pops.
    I can just see you whipping up a couple more now,

  10. Love, love, love it Cam! If I saw you down the street I'd stop you to ask where you got it.

  11. Fabulous skirt! I love the print used - it's great!

  12. wow...that's fabulous. I adore that fabric, and I don't think it's too have great legs, show them off (:

  13. fabulous Cam!!!!! length is perfect for those sexy legs (and lovely boots). You have such an eye for print - I love this!!

  14. Oh awesome! I've been hunting 70s tablecloths on ebay to make a skirt with and after seeing yours I will definitely try harder to win them as your skirt is wonderful!!!

  15. looks great :) and goes great with those boots.
    really well done with the pattern matching with the zipper :)

  16. You go Curly! Even from the first pic, I knew it was a skirt that you would pull off to perfection.

  17. Cam that looks absolutely awesome, you look fantastic in it, well done

  18. Hooray! Looks great! Very "vous", to!

    Must be the season for it. I've been making a-line skirts like....well... like I need a LOT more A-line skirts.

  19. 100% delightful - loving that fabric. So cheerful.

  20. That is one super-cute skirt and I love your outfit with those boots!

    What a great way to start your New Year with a super-cute skirt like that =-)

    Of course it's only fitting for Super Pops to have a super-cute skirt!! ;)

  21. Cam , you big spunk! Thats looks awesome....and zip looks fantastic too. I am agog at your talent woman!

  22. The skirt is too fabulous!! I totally love it, and hope you make more of these!

  23. Oooo, I really love this skirt!

  24. Great post! Loving the colour combos. Thanks too for all the links. That book would make a fab gift for someone I know.

    Is there a reason that Amazon is your bookstore of choice?? Just interested as I shop elsewhere and haven't previously found Amazon to be the cheapest.

    Jen in Melbourne

  25. Oh Cam it's lovely! Such a clever thing you are!

  26. Very nice! I bought the book you mentioned a while ago, with the intention of making myself a few skirts, but I still haven't worked up the courage to try. This is great inspiration! Thanks.


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