
Thursday, December 31, 2009

2009 - It's a Wrap .... edited with a linky widget

All I can say at the moment is 'phew.... what a year'

I've been busier than I ever could have imagined this year, which has meant that I've not had quite as much spare time as I was used to, but things change, people change, life changes.....


I was dreaming about furniture placement in my new house, planning on taking the plunge into the world craft markets, packing up my previous life, attempting my first ever (and only so far) pavlova, and finding hidden treasure at the oppy.


I was celebrating my crafty day out at Sewjourn, I joined in with the efforts of Handmade Help, there was even more packing, and a Valentines Toy Society drop.


March was a very crazy month.... I had to move out of my old house and into my Sister and BIL's house, my brother got married during that ten days where I was homeless, and then I moved out of their house and into my new house. I also welcomed Frances into my life (you may have noticed that she gets featured fairly regularly these days), and I had my very first market stall!


There were chocolate treats for Easter, I started working on adding homely pieces to my house, the craft space was starting to evolve, and I celebrated my birthday with more lovely treats.


I had my second market stall, I documented the beginnings of my obsession with crazy stitching, I started playing around with yarn weaving, and began chopping up doilies and creating flower brooches....


There were more craft space antics with the installation of a skylight, there was a wonderful Saturday trip to Daylesford, some freestyle clothes making.... and a dismal market, but then Swiney came to visit and cheered me up!


I did a little pattern testing, spent a wonderful weekend at Sewjourn, and had a bit of fun with Swiney in the midst of the swine flu panic.


I had a little market hopping adventure, worked on some new brooch designs, refashioned a felted woollen jumper, and made lots and lots of handbags...


Another market came and went, I worked on my quilt project square, shared my lack of gardening skills, hosted a crafty daytransformed a skirt into a bag, and introduced my alter-ego SuperPops.


Blogtoberfest..... need I say more.... and the Superpops Challenge.


I started sewing like a machine to prepare for the christmas markets, prototyped some new dress up creations, and had a weekend away and a stall at the Daylesford Market.


December was the busiest month of all - there were four markets, lots of handmade christmas pressies, a Toy Society drop, and I finished it off with the 65 Roses quilt square.

I want to thank each and every person who has read my blog, left a comment, visited me at a market, and bought something crafty from my shop. It's been a fun filled amazing year and I can only hope that 2010 will be even better!

Happy New Year

Miss Muggins had a fab idea to add a little linky list so everyone can play along with a 2009 wrap - join in if you like!



  1. Wow Cam... what a year!

    Here's to an even better new one, perhaps with a few more minutes to relax penciled in...?!

    Happy New Year Sweets!


  2. I am completely exhausted looking at your busy year. All the best for 2010

  3. Great blog. I'm looking forward to your 2010 posts.
    all the very best and I hope I meet you around the crafty traps.

    Craft on and up. Yeah!

  4. What a great year! Looking forward to what adventures super pops comes up with in 2010 :)

    happy New year Cam :)

  5. Thank you for entering my giveaway. Wishing you much happiness in 2010.

  6. What a wonderful year it has been for you! Happy New Year Cam and thanks so much for all your support this year!
    Sophie x

  7. OMG What a big year! Hard to believe just what we have all been up to! Who would have thought you would be so busy crafting and selling and socialising... Definately beeen a big year and hope next year is even better!
    You found the perfect house with the perfect crafty area!
    There have been some great Op shop finds, especially that bracelet and the mirror with the scalloped edges!
    You have been very successful doing something you love and that is something most people never accomplish!!
    Very proud of my Big sister, keep it up Curlypops!!...x

  8. Brilliant post Cam. A great way to reflect upon a busy, productive year. I think this would be a great meme - do you mind if I copy the idea, and credit you of course. Maybe you could put up a linky thingo????What do you think?

  9. What a year!! WOW look at all you've done. You really amaze me actually! I'm also impressed you can remember each happenings.
    Except for the the last 3, I can't remember so clearly what happening in my first nine.
    HAPPY NEW YEAR CAM!! Hope 2010 is even better for you.

  10. wow that is definitely a big year for you!

    wishing you lots more success and happiness in 2010

    merry christmas

  11. jam packed year for you Cam, I hope the new year brings you everything you wish for & then some!!
    Love the fork story aswell.

    just wanted to say thanks aswell for being such a lovely bloggy/market friend to have & for all your lovely gifts throughout the year. It is so hot today as you definitely know & I have to bake, the only thing I like about it is that I get to wear my gorgeous Curlypops apron to do it in style.
    so thank you again Cam for being such a wonderfully sweet & generous person.
    hugs to you for a fabulous new year ♥

  12. I want to play too but I'm going to have to wait until next year as I haven't had a blog long enough to have records of my first 7 months.
    Sounds like you have had a full on year and been rediculously creative throughout. Yay!
    Its been heaps of fun. I hope you have the most fabulous 2010! X

  13. Happy new Year Curls, it's great to look back at all that you've done this year, wow! You're a craft blog superstar. See you soon xxx

  14. what a year indeed. I'm so glad we had the opportunity to cross paths. Thanks for doing mclinky too. I was gunna have the same sort of wrap up for 2009, now I have all the more reason. xx

  15. Happy New Year Cam (and Frances), hope 2010 is happy and productive for you xx

  16. You certainly have been busy, its been great reading your blog during 2009. Happy New Year :)

  17. very busy year with a lot done
    have a great new years!

  18. What a busy year! I read this post at 9am this morning and I have only just finished mine at 11.50am! Too much reminiscing! Here's hoping our 2010 will be just as good if not better :) Happy New Year x

  19. It's certainly been an action packed year Cam. Some wonderful highs and some lows that you seemed to cope with well.

    I has been lovely to meet you and have sneak peeks into your world through your blog. You do an amazing job on your own blog and also in getting around and visiting other blogs too. xxx

  20. Happy New Year! Here's hoping that 2010 is just as busy, and fulfilling as 2009 was for you!

  21. Wishing you a very happy new year, Cam. Your 2009 was jam packed with the most amazing craft (I think it should be retrospectively named The Year of the Flower Brooch. Can't get enough of those!!) I have loved watching your journey .... and the appearance of your not-so-secret alter ego! Our trip to Sewjourn was great fun.

    May 2010 have many lovely op shop surprises and craft adventures in store for you.

    Liesl xxx

  22. Wow,look at how full your year was...You're a crafty legend Cam!
    Happy New Year for 2010!!

  23. Sounds like you have been very busy! I hope you have a good 2010!

  24. Hey Cam, you've been a busy Popster haven't you?!! I've enjoyed reading your blog this year, it's been a blast! I would enter this one but I just can't cope with all the links, my brain is a little fried. Here's to a wonderful 2010!! Hooray! xo

  25. OH MY GOLLY CAM!! How did you manage to cram it all in?? What will this year hold I wonder?? I am excited to start a new year and see what it holds!! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!

    xo Steph

  26. Wow! That is a big year! And to think that you only started markets this year - You seem to have it so together that you've been doing it for much longer!

    Best wishes for a fabulous 2010!

  27. And all through that busy year you have been such a fabulous blogger! It brought a smile to my face that Sewjourn was one of your highlights! Here's to 2010!

  28. I varied from the form slightly. Everyone is so inspiring.


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