
Sunday, May 23, 2010

Flea Market Finds

Sometimes you don't find things........ they find you*

It's sorta like fate

Like it was meant to be.

I received a phone call from a friend,

Who wanted to pass on some treasures

How could I possibly resist???

Visit Sophie for more of todays Flea Market Finds....

* I'm quite intrigued by the reels of cotton - they're all in a very similar colour palette, and I would love to know what they were originally intended to be used for.


  1. Lucky you, there looks to be a lot of fun goodies there! I am green with envy over the cotton spools :)

  2. Oh wow! That's fantastic Cam! What a worthy home they are going to too. Oh those spools, they are so gorgeous! :)

  3. i love the shade of those reels :) what great finds

  4. Oh. My. You are living many a readers dream (including mine) right there. What an amazing collection. Those spools and the colours!

  5. Lucky girl, those are lovely finds! Just the kind of things I look out for.
    Have a lovely weekend
    Warm wishes
    Isabelle x

  6. Wow! Great haul! That's the kind of call every crafty girl longs to get! SuperPops to the rescue!!

  7. Buttons!!! Score!!! I need to put more effort in to going op shopping.

  8. I love those cotton reels & the colour is fantastic! How great are those paper clippings...

  9. Goodness what a lovely bunch of STUFF - and how nice that your pal thought of you before ditching the lot!

  10. You have to line up all the cotton reels and take a depth photo. It would look magnificent!! I only have 4 lol...

    xo Steph

  11. Wow! What an amazing lot of lovely crafty things!! Yes, jealous here!

  12. Oh my goodness, what treasures! What fun! It was so meant to be. wishing you hours and hours of inspired sewing.

  13. Oh my! I think I'm in love! Those cotton reels are just amazing! What beautiful colours. So much loveliness. Thanks so much for sharing.
    Sophie x

  14. Cool finds, My kind of treasures too! Enjoy!

  15. Ooooooo vintage thread is a little weakness of mine, loving all of it.

  16. wowzer, did you find all that ric-rac and other trimmings in one swoop?.....jackpot indeed!

  17. ooo I love vintage sewing supplies. Your friend sounds like a good one

  18. oh yum look at all those glorious trims just beautiful

  19. These are absolutely gorgeous Cam. The colours of the thread a amazing. I'll see you next week.

    My Flea Market Find

  20. Wow Cam. Sorting through that seems like an adventure in itself.
    Ab x

  21. My heart beat a little faster just looking at your amazing finds.

  22. Those cotton reel colours are gorgeous

  23. OH MY GOSH!!!!!!

    Are those cotton reels wooden are they are they????

    I cannot believe your luck - way to go!

  24. You hit the Motherload! Lucky lucky girl! xxNick

  25. Wow! You have the best friends :)

  26. Well aren't you the lucky one!

  27. Oh now that is rediculous, You have everyones finds all at once, No wonder I hardly ever find great sewing bits and bobs....You have them all!

  28. oh my how thoughtful your giver was :)))

  29. Wow! I'm a very vivid shade of emerald at the moment. Isn't it just so nice when someone thinks of you when they are having a cleanout, and they are probably so very happy to find someone who appreciates their bits and bobs and won't just chuck them all out.

  30. Wow - what a great friend. So many beautiful colours. Can't wait to see what you do with them.

  31. My heart is beating faster just looking at those treasures Cam. Old Coates cotton reels ... wow, they are fabulous!!

  32. I gasped with each new photo! What AMAZING treasures. You are sure to ogle those all week long! Hope you have a blissful time doing so :)

  33. OI! I thought I was the only one to be special enough to own greeny. bluey, turqoisey shades of cotton on vintage reels. That top photo is seriously heaven for my eyes Cam. Noice!

    What are you going to do with them? MIne are in jars. I always envisaged them in rows in one of those deep photo frames, one on top of the other...

  34. Oh what fabulous finds - well done and Enjoy ;)

  35. These are all so gorgeous - I just love the colour of the cotton - yum! Very lovely crafty score and good home found!

  36. ahem! JACKPOT! those threads are lovely.

  37. gorgeous!!
    love the spools pic and the buttons!

  38. What a score!! You cleaned up big time.


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