
Monday, May 24, 2010

Pretty Pinnies

It was such a beautiful day yesterday. The sun was streaming in through the windows in my craft space, so with no other plans for the day, I decided to hit the sewing machine.

When Gypsy came along to the NCB this week, I promised that I would help out with her request for pinafores to be donated to the Dago Dela Hera Orphanage in Kenya.

I had a pattern in the stash that I'd picked up for $1 at the oppy yonks ago - it's a McCalls 7783.  The request from Gypsy was to make the pinnies reversible, so that each one is actually two dresses in one.
I cut out two sets of fronts and backs from the pattern, and then ditched the rest of the pieces and instructions while I worked out how to make it reversible instead.

I found that the easiest way to make it reversible was to sew up the side and shoulder seams of both the dresses, and then iron the seams flat on each. I then placed one dress inside the other (with wrong sides facing together), and stitched in the ditch along both side seams to attach the dresses together.

To finish off the seams, I first stay-stitched all the way around to join both, and then bound the neck opening, arm holes and bottom of the dress.

I was rushing at the end, so the arm hole binding needs a bit of unpicking and extra work still.....

There's still time to help out - just get in contact with Gypsy, or bring along your contribution to the next Northern Craft Bonanza to pass on. If you can't make a pinny, they're also taking donations of simple elastic wasited shorts for little boys.


  1. awesome, made with my very very most favourite colours. I am sure a little girl is going to be so very happy to get your creation.

    thumbs up!

  2. It looks fantastic!! No doubt one little girls is going to so pleased to be wearing such a beautiful dress (or 2 such beautiful dresses - what a great idea!)

  3. The pinny is absolutely gorgeous and will be totally loved where it is going as children have a huge thing for bold colours. Actually, come to think of it so does my latest client, who asked for flowers and orange and purple. Cherrie

  4. They are so sweet and very generous of you. Hugs - Fee X

  5. this is beautiful, thanks for the tips on joining to make reversible.

  6. Its gorgeous and will be adored for sure! I wish I'd waited to read all the reversible tricks around the place before doing mine. Oh well, at least I know for next time.

  7. The pinnies look great and such a good idea to make them reversible.

  8. They look fab - love the bias that you used!!

  9. I confess, the reversible thing had me heading for the hills - thanks for the top tips Ms Pops!

  10. you are going to make some little girls so very happy. :) these are so fun and pretty!

  11. So, so clever! And that fabric is so happy and bright. Yay for you!!

  12. it's soooo pretty Cam you did a great job at reversing it too, some little girl will be beaming when she receives it!!!

  13. well done Cam!!
    you are so quick.
    I like the new blog look too

  14. These are pretty and I think you will make some little girls very happy!

  15. Your reversible trick is very clever and you have ended up with a wonderful little outfit sure to keep some little girl very happy. Well done on your ingenuity!

  16. That is stunning...and a lovely thing to do.

  17. Reversible!!!!!!???? My my, you are a sewing boffin!

  18. This is a lovely dress (both sides. And that fabric simply screams Curlypops. :)

  19. Very cute. Love the bright colours. I am sure some little girl will feel like a princess wearing it!

  20. They are gorgeous. The girls who get these are getting a curlypop blessing :)

  21. This looks great! I was feeling intimidated by the concept of a reversible dress, but might have to work up the courage to try your approach!

  22. Oh Cam it is wonderful!
    I'm so uplifted by the number of crafty girls who have jumped on board with this project, thank you for being part of it.
    One little girl is going to feel very special wearing her Curlypops Original.


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