
Wednesday, May 12, 2010


A Parliament arrived in the letterbox yesterday.... but thankfully not that sort of parliament!

I'm doing a little swap with Amanda, and my gift is these super-gorgeous teeny-tiny little owl pins. The detail is truly amazing to see up close. They're far too beautiful to use as sewing implements, so I'm thinking that they're going to herald the official beginning of my collection of beautiful tiny things to fill out my printers tray.

Thanks for all the lovely messages yesterday - I'm hoping to get some answers later today.... fingers crossed.

PS - If you like my little owlie pins, then pop on over to Krafty Panda, because you could win some yourself!


  1. They are perfect for your printers tray. Mine is so full , I'm ready for another.
    Thinking of you today

  2. Fingers crossed...and arms, legs and toes! Hope its all good news for you. x
    Love the owlie pins.

  3. All the very best , hope things improve for you soon .

  4. What gorgeous pins. Fingers and toes crossed too for you.

  5. I think your parliament of owls would do a better job than the parliament that was formed last night to run the UK!

  6. love to see sort of a budget those guys would hand down!
    Keep well xx

  7. those are very cute :)

    really hope you get some good answers today :)

  8. I'm glad you have owls and not crows! Sending you healing vibes.

  9. Hope everything went well today Cam.

    I love those little owly pins. They are really sweet. I think "parliament" is doing owls an injustice though ... they are way too dignified to be landed with that collective noun!

  10. I'm so glad you like them Cam! I hope everything will go well, not just today and tomorrow but for the rest of the week! Hugs!

  11. oh you lucky duck, they are seriously the cutest things ever. i hope you are feeling chipper and the results were good. i too picked up a printers tray over the christmas holiday break and it is quite a challenge to find teeny treasures. we have managed to almost fill ours with tiny treasure that all have particular significance to our family history. i must blog it soon


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