
Monday, October 11, 2010

Yes I know it's only Blogtober but......

I told you already that I'm trying to be super-organised this year..... so I've designed some christmas cards, just in time for errrrrr Christmas! You may have caught a sneaky peek of the reindeer yesterday.

Pop into The CurlyPops Shop to snap some up, or just visit me at any of my upcoming markets, where you'll also find colour ranges that are not available online.

I promised a Blogtoberfest Giveaway today and I'm sticking with the card theme. Just leave me a comment and I'll draw a lucky winner this Friday night (October 15th) at 8PM AEDST. The winner will get to select their five favourite card designs/colours.

Good Luck!


  1. Ooh, Cam, they are far too cute! Number 1 never wins, so I'll hit up your shop next week. ;)

  2. how cool are these cards! Love those reindeer...
    thanks for the chance to win.
    cheers Julz

  3. Very cute cards :-)
    Happy Blogtoberfest :-)

  4. Oooooh, cunt me in for this giveaway!!! Your cards are just adorable Cam!! The more you do, the more I like, it would be really hard to pick just 5!

  5. I love your cards, especially the reindeer, it's too cute! Thanks for the giveaway!
    ap_lemos at yahoo dot com

  6. I did spy these in your other post and thought hmmm why no special mention ( :
    They look so cool CP. CAn't wait till your next market.

  7. Love LOVE your Chrissy cards. Please count me in to win, thanks!
    Especially love the red reindeer card - gorgeous!

  8. I don't think it is too early for (selling not giving) Christmas cards, it is only about 12 weeks away!!! I am loving all of your new cards, they are so cute!

  9. I've seen Xmas Cards in the shops already so No it's Not Too Early...Love your Designs.

  10. christmas isn't that far away yet i just can't get into that christmassy spirit.
    your cards are sooo cool, that reindeer is just teasing us with his gorgeous eyes!

  11. great! i am so in the christmas mood too, and started early also! i love the red reindeer, x

  12. OK, you're the second person to freak me out with the Christmas thing this morning. I'm still getting over last year. Love how you have embraced this illustration bizzo - with bells on!

  13. Oooh they are adorable! I am doing a Christmas giveaway already too so don't worry - and my involves Christmas cards too!!! (I'm going overseas for November and part of December so that's my excuse).

  14. What gorgeous Christmas Cards - I especially love the reindeer!

  15. very cool christmas cards! and i'm super jealous of your organisationing!

  16. I love the reindeer cards! I know which 5 I'll be choosing if I win :)

  17. These are so cute! You are very organised - I am not ready for this week let alone Christmas.

  18. I love your cards. Especially the reindeer!

  19. Hehe....too cute. Loving the cheeky reindeer.

  20. what's going on Cam- you aren't trying to scare us are you. I know, I know, Christmas will be here before we know it. AAAAHYHHHR

  21. Oh please count me in. They are beautiful. I especially love the owl and turtle ones in your shop.
    Ally <'v'>

  22. for a second there I thought Id drunk far too much during blogtoberfest and missing a month before my advent blog a long!!!

    Seriously cute though...will have to hit your shop ;)

  23. Scrummy gorgeous cute cards! And hey, that would be 5 fewer that I'd have to make myself... Thanks for the chance to win! xx

  24. Christmas is a swear word in our house at the moment:) Love the cards - thanks for the chance to win. If I am lucky to win then I will only have to make or buy 75 more cards:)

  25. Wow. You are SUPER organised Ms Pops! Super cute designs too!

  26. OOOH! To cute and I need Xmas cards......

  27. OMGosh! They are just gorgeous! Wow!

  28. Oh what beautiful cards! I hope I win ;-)

  29. Another great giveaway!!

  30. Those reindeers are just toooooo cute. Please enter my name into the draw. Hugs Naomi


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