
Thursday, January 13, 2011

The Craft Space

The Room Divider Curtain aka Kids Art Gallery

I'd promised photos of the craft space yesterday, but the day ended up going completely haywire after a 6AM start in order to get to a couple of hospital appointments in the city.

There was very nearly hair tearing out and tears of frustration due to hospital holiday staffing schedules, admin and nursing staff who were unfamiliar with regular patients and routines, and arguments with doctors over PBS criteria that I don't seem to fit...... square peg, round hole - yep that's me.  Then I wonder why I'm going grey and my hair is falling out - sheesh!

Some days I get really sick of fighting for what I need. It's a constant never-ending battle, but I refuse to give up and I refuse to take NO for an answer.

Once the disaster was all over, the only reasonable cure was to head to my favourite cafe for a giant bucket of coffee, and a sugar hit (passionfruit tart), and a whinge and whine to my sister to make me feel better.

Then I came home and sat in my lovely craft space...... and realised that it was far too hot to sit next to the iron and sew, so I did a little fabric cutting instead. For some reason, I always find cutting up little bits and pieces for my projects quite soothing and meditative.

Even though it's still a little messy (and a little white and bland), everything I need is right where I need it.....
 ...... and I can hide all of the really messy stuff behind closed doors. Perfect!


  1. Oh you lucky ducky!! What a lovely little space to call your own :-)

  2. hugs to you Ms Curlypops, sorry to hear you've had a bad few days.
    we'll definitely come for a visit next week so you can whinge all you like.

  3. it looks great! glad you had a haven to return to after a horrible start to the day x

  4. Oh my - that's a gorgeous space. I'm green with envy!!!

  5. It all looks great. Even an order section! Love that you should still have a tiny bit of order even when everything else turns to chaos. I'm sure those wooden floors make sliding between plieces great. My chair whizzes across to wherever the scissors are but not back again. And it is kind of you to have a kid's wall board aka curtain. Hope it is strong enough to hold all the goodies that will be posted there!! You keep those doctors on their toes. Maybe one day you will stop being a square peg in their eyes. Cherrie

  6. Holy moly! What a space!! I am utterly envious.

  7. Love your new space, looks so inviting! not to mention organised, i just never seem to be able to make my space stay tidy, i'm usually up to my ears in mess. Hope your day is wonderful and crafty.


  8. What a fabulous space! So much room, and cupboards, I'm quite envious too!

  9. All that storage!!! How on earth will you fill it all!

  10. What a fabulous, organised space. So sorry to hear how hard it is for you to get what you need - so wrong that it needs to be such a battle.

  11. I need to get more organised after seeing your great orderly space. Go girl!

  12. Cam...Your craft space is glorious...
    I dream of a space even half that size...
    But I must admit I can take my crochet anywhere...
    Something I think wouldn't work with an

  13. How lovely! I am plodding along trying to tidy up my room .. one hour a day!

  14. Oh is sounds like such a frustrating morning! So glad you could chat to your sister (and have your bucket of coffee - hehe). Loving this space - especially the doors to hide the mess behind!

  15. wow - what a craft space you have!! it is amazing!!! i love that you have arranged all the neccesary items close by!! makes my little cupboard sewing room titchy tiny - but like you said, the best bit is closing the door and leaving all that mess!!! well done xx

  16. That is a fantastic space you've got going there. Room to move and everything in its place.

  17. I'm jealous too; everything looks so well organized and tidy! Who would organize my stuff?

  18. wow that looks great, it must be nice to have your own creative space to get away to, our house is not big enough for that, my sewing machine and everything else lives in the lounge. Congrats make sure you enjoy it.

  19. what a brilliant space cam. i can see how coming home to that would soothe a frazzled girlie.

  20. looks like a wonderful place to spend the days :D

  21. Have SERIOUS craft room envy - it's GORGEOUS!!

  22. Your craft space is super Cam!

  23. The craft room looks beautiful - perfect..


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