
Thursday, January 13, 2011


Watching the devastation unfold in QLD this week has left me speechless.

Everyone feels completely helpless at this early stage of the disaster. The most useful thing to do right at this very moment is to make a cash donation and wait until the call comes for other diffferent types of help.

There are many ways to donate cash, either directly to the QLD Premiers Relief Fund, or via fundraising efforts.

Check out the all of the fundraising links over on the Handmade Help blog.


  1. i know! i was just watching Anna Blighs speech & got all teary & had to walk away & jump on FB

  2. I agree Cam. It is overwhelming. And yes, cash is the answer right now.

  3. Every little bit counts. Anna Bligh has been amazing. x

  4. You certainly do feel powerless at the moment.I was meant to be heading to Queensland this week and was meant to be drivng through Toowoomba on the afternoon of the inland Tsunami, going to Dalby to visit my parents. However with all of the water that Dalby has had since Christmas my parents and I decided it would be best if I cancelled my ticket and came at another time. Sitting in my lounge in Sydney watching the news that last few days, you just feel so overwhelmed watching the towns you grew up around devastated. Fortunately my parents and their property is fine. Queensland (and northern NSW)our thoughts are with you.

  5. Qld, beautiful one day ... speechless is right Darling!
    They need cash now, stuff can come later! They need roads, houses and communities rebuilt ... OMG feeling so blessed.
    Hope you're keeping well and strong Darling. xo.

  6. Mon Petite Poppet is having a drive to make comfort toys for those littlies who are coming back to ruined homes. Cherrie

  7. It is just so sad - when will mother nature take a holiday. Stay safe.

  8. Good one information.Thanks to share this great information.
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