
Thursday, January 27, 2011

My Creative Space

It's my first creative space of the year, after I somehow managed to miss the re-start last week.

I'm afraid that all I can show is the remnants of yesterday's crafting.

I finished my second (and final) piece for the upcoming group exhibition at Red Brick Gallery in Ballarat.

I'll be there on opening night, which is Friday 4th February, but it runs for an entire month so there's plenty of time to head to Ballarat and check it out.

Now it's the thing that I don't like about finishing a project.... putting everything away and cleaning up my mess.

The home of My Creative Space


  1. I hate that too, especially as I am sooo messy. Just want to get on to the new next thing.
    It look really interesting, hope you might share it with us ( what you are working on)

  2. Oooo - I am intrigued! Do share when you're able to.

  3. Looks very interesting! and FUN!

  4. that does look like it was fun! I LOVE you patchwork quilt cover below, very gorgeous, lucky you!

  5. I missed last week too. I must have still been on holiday mode :)

  6. Ohh looks very interesting. Too bad I am in the wrong state for the exhibition :-(

  7. I have no idea what you made but I cannot wait to see it!

  8. Hmm intriguing....any hints on what it is?

  9. goodluck Cam!
    wish I could be there for opening but it's Amelie's bday that day. I hope you can share some pics later.
    do you need anymore of those glass bottles? I have some if you need them.

  10. Do share when you get the chance.

  11. I'll be there with bells on !!!

  12. good luck with the exibition, pls share if you get a chance!

  13. Can't wait until you post about it! x

  14. Ooooh there's a hammer used ! Whatever it is I will like it !


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