
Sunday, March 20, 2011

The Giant T-Shirt Quilt

Brianna (or B-Fab as we like to call her) and Bec

Yesterday was deemed to be the day of quilting the giant t-shirt quilt (although I somehow managed to forget to actually tell Bec about this particular part of my plan before she arrived)....

The first step was the congregation of about a million safety pins.... the big wooden bench made this much easier (thank god).

Then the quilting began (notice how I'm not actually doing anything much other than snapping photos?)

Quilting is hungry work, so it was time for a homemade pita bread pizza break!

There was also cake.... there has to be cake (and the host always gets to keep the leftover cake - but that might just be a rule that is in place when I'm the host).

We decided to put the child to work....

....and reminisced about Bea from Prisoner (please note that it's not actually turned on).

There was a looooooot of quilting, before it was finally time to start on the binding.

Mmm lovely binding.

We finally finished the entire quilt just after dinner time thank goodness! I would never have been able to finish this without the wonderful help from Brianna and Bec. I'm indebted to you two ladies! I learned a lot about quilting today and had lots of fun too.

I don't have any photos of the finished quilt just yet, so I thought I'd share the out-takes instead - enjoy!

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  1. Looks like a mammoth task (albeit a fun one), can't believe you got it all done in one day - it would of taken me months. Looking forward to seeing the reveil :)

  2. OMG - I have a stash of tshirts that I plan to do this with. I think you've inspired me to start & stop thinking about it!

    It looks awesome!

  3. It looks fantastic! Can't wait to see the finished piece. Think I'd be asleep on the table after all that as well.


  4. That quilt looks excellent.

    I've made one little quilt and enjoyed the whole process, I enjoyed it all again looking at your photos.

    It's addictive Cam! Just warning you.

  5. Looks like a fun day, especially when you get to delegate the actual work! You know that cake rule is also a very strict rule when I am host too!

  6. that is looking fab!
    i don't think child labour laws apply when they are over 7 ;)
    cake rule..nice one!

  7. Fabulous! Can't wait to see the finished product. Looks like the journey has been amazing too. x

  8. Sounds like a huge amount was accomplished! I would happily work for food and cake too! Can't wait to see the finished photos. :)

  9. Wow - I just can't wait to see it. Loving your photos!!

  10. What amazing girls Brianna and Bec are! Sounds like it was a fun, but exhausting day. So it's all finished now? And what batting did you end up using?

  11. OMGosh!!!
    How amazing...
    The quilt is a fabulous idea...
    and looks like a pretty impressive day had by all...

  12. Wow you were really hard working to get this done in one afternoon.And amazing friends you have. The pizza looks really good too. I can´t wait to see the finished quilt.

  13. wow - what an amazing team effort... it looks great (as does the food... we just had pita bread pizza for dinner!)

  14. well done!! you did well to do it all in one day

  15. Wow - that is a lot of quilting in one day! Well done :)

  16. wow that is a huge project in one day well done you for getting it done can't wait to see the finished pictures. Pizza and cake you can't go wrong ;-)) dee x

  17. oooh cake! :D
    that is a lot of quilting to get done!

  18. I want that food - oh and the quilts look good too :-)


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