
Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Something out of the ordinary.

 New Look 6720 in Echino Bonbon

I've been working on this little project in the background over the last few weeks now.

New Look 6720 in Umbrella Prints - Oasis - Wild Floating Grasses (beautiful fabric to work with)

A friend bought some beautiful fabrics from Earthgirl Fabrics and asked me to transform them into some little dresses for her daughters, and skirts for herself.

New Look 6720 in Melly and Me - Where The Wind Blows

I love how these little dresses turned out, especially the Size 4. Completely adorable!

As for the pattern - I think the way that the facing is attached to the bottom of the bodice is a little clumsy, and not easy to sew. There was a lot of unpicking and re-sewing to make it nice and neat.

Nicole M Design A-Line Skirt in Melly and Me - Where The Wind Blows - Blossom

After making my first a-line in thick denim, this one was an absolute joy to sew. It drapes beautifully in this quilting weight fabric.

This one is most definitely on my to do list to make for me.
Burda 8090 in Vintage Groove Polka Dot

Finally, I finished off with this Burda A-Line skirt. I've made this once before... a very long time ago.

The retro style of the fabric is perfect with the design of the skirt..... and Frances was very happy to finally be modelling skirts that fit!

PS - I've made myself a new header in illustrator. I'm still a newbie so don't be too harsh... but check it out!


  1. Gorgeous Cam! Beautiful fabrics, and fab results. Well done you.

  2. I love the new header! What gorgeous fabrics you been able to work with and turning them into such lovely items, Go you!!

  3. Great guns with the sewing!!!!!
    Love the new header, looks awesome & very professional!

  4. The Vintage Groove skirt is my fav but they are all adorable.
    You've done an amazing job on your header. Just something else you can add to your long list of talents :)

  5. Those little girl dresses are adorable:) And I love me an A-line skirt - the groovy polka dots one is gorgeous. Love what you can just whip up!

  6. the header looks great! glad you changed the black outlines of the letters to pink, looks much more simpler and the resolution looks perfect!
    also, i LOVE that burda skirt :D
    see you tomorroooooooooowww!

  7. LOVING you new header & those dresses are gorgeous, they remind me of the dresses my mum used to make me..the polka dot skirt is fabulous!

  8. LOVE the last skirt! It is just so cool. P.S. your new header is lovely :)

  9. Wow! Wow! Wow! Miss Cam! They are all super gorgeous and that spotty one is just fantastic!

  10. wow - they are all so beautiful!!! I never tie of marvelling at other people's creativity and finished peices and i truely appreciate the time taken for each one - well done xx

  11. Love the header and adore those dresses. The fabrics are feminine for a little girl too. Cherrie

  12. Oh good gravy! What beautiful creations! Well done you!

  13. Loving all the pretty frocks and skirts.

    Loving the new header too. Very cool.

  14. Hey Header is GREAT - suits you like the great skirt you made yourself. Very cool. I can see some swishing on the beaches with it - a scarf around your head... and ice cream!

    I LOVE the little dresses - ahhh I need a girl.

  15. It IS odd seeing you featuring little girls clothes on your blog - but they are truly lovely, and yes, the spotty skirt is just super. I can see you in it (perhaps an orange and pink version though! Melbourne won't know what's hit it!)

  16. Look the clothes Cam especially that dotty skirt

  17. Beautiful dresses - I esp love the fabric of the first dress (the little birds .. are they woodpeckers?) and the skirts are lovely.

  18. Oh these are so nice ... I just love the fabrics you have used ..... I especially love the skirts. What a wonderful job you have done.

  19. Just beautiful. I've made a few from the pretty Where the Wind Blows range too.

  20. well this is funny - I'm catching up on blogs because I have illustrator open to design a graphic and it's doing my head in! Well done on your header - it looks gorgeous!

    love, love, love all the clothes you've made - so beautiful.


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