August is nearly over already so it's high time for Just a Minute....
Sorry about the weird spacing...blogger is having a coniption!
Then I decided that I also wanted it to be reversible, so this is where I ended up. I stiffened the boxy bottom by adding some denim between the bottom layers.
I shall christen this bag Prototype 1. The next prototype will have some pockets and a neater strap. If you look really closely, you'll see that the strap is actually attached using curtain rings....it's the only thing I could find for the job today.
I made my very first sale in The CurlyPops Shop today (thankyou Liesl). A very big thankyou to everyone who checked it out and left me a message....I really appreciate the support!
By the way, I've just read a post by Sharon on her Handmaiden blog regarding costing and pricing for online selling....definitely worth checking out.
....in my favourite colours of course....
Don't forget to go and visit Kirsty for more on my desk loveliness....
It was really really hard to choose just one.....so I managed to choose this 3-in-1 book.
I always loved Enid Blyton books when I was younger but these three classics are my absolute all time favourites. I always wanted to live at the top of the Faraway Tree too....
There are also some honourable mentions that I cannot forget:
Thanks to Pottymouthmama for this weeks fab theme and to Angela for hosting!
I also managed to bring home some of Cathy's textured canvasses to hang on the wall in my half craft room / half spare room..... and some of Ms L's choc chip biccies (which I'm going to have for brekkie in the morning)
....and I had soooo much fun that I came home a little too late to go to the supermarket, so the cat is getting lemon pepper tuna for dinner!
A thankyou pressie from Cass at Snailblazer just for mentioning her giveaway on my blog. It's a gorgeous reversible 'Grab Bag'. This side is warm and soft material, perfect for autumn and winter.....
....and the other side is a lovely pink floral (I love pink and I love flowers) perfect for spring and summer.
Also in the package are these delightful little storybook envelopes.....
.....and storybook gift cards and a magnetic bookmark.
Wowee that's a lot of goodness in one package! Thanks so much Cass....I am absolutely amazed by your generousity and craftiness.
For more of Love Friday, head on over to Big Cats Emporium and check it out (don't forget to grab the code for the Love Friday button while you're there).
So I really need some advice....
I love making things but I don't want it to end up feeling like work (if that makes any sense at all). That's why I thought an etsy shop may be a good option for a start. If it's a dismal failure, then it really doesn't matter so much as there isn't a huge capital outlay. I did read a great post over at Michelle's blog a couple of weeks ago regarding costing and pricing and postage, so I would of course have to work all of that out first. I would be very interested to hear about others experiences in setting up an etsy shop, successes, failures, etc, yaddah, yaddah.....over to you!
I overlocked all the seams before sewing them too, so there shouldn't be any fraying..... and I actually remembered to add the star embellishment before sewing the legs together this time.
I did somehow manage to overlock two wrong legs together at one stage and had to go back and unpick everything.
They'll be facing the fitment test on Moo Moo and Nico tonight. They are around the same size except that I just shortened the legs for Nico (which means that they're just not as flared at the bottom). Here's hoping that they fit!
I also added a very large detachable flower brooch to the front, just for a bit of extra girlie glamour in the kitchen.....
.....and there was enough leftover to make a little potholder. I used every last scrappy bit of the retro ric rac fabric to make the binding.....there was just enough with about 5cm left!
....and these groovy books.