Smile Tooth Fabric Uploaded by Warm 'n Fuzzy on 19 Apr 07, 10.24AM PST.
I'm very diligent about making sure that I visit my dentist for a checkup and clean every 6 months and I've been attending the same dentist for about 10 years now.
Friday afternoon, I popped in for my checkup and clean, and for the first time ever, the dentist asked if I've been grinding my teeth. Of course, I said no, not that I've noticed. He said that I may have been grinding them in my sleep without knowing, so I should take notice of whether I have a sore jaw or a headache in the morning.
I didn't really think anything more about it until I was back in the dentists reception waiting to pay the bill. There was a pamphlet named 'Help for Bruxism (teeth grinding)'. As I read on, there was a section on 'What causes it?'. Bruxism is commonly triggered by a stressful event such as starting a new job or a new school, examinations, relationship probems, or some other personal crisis.
So now I need to focus on de-stressing and not worrying about things or I'm going to grind my teeth away...aaaagggghhhh.......... now I'm worried about teeth grinding too! It's not really working.
'Bruxism'. Sounds so much classier than the reality, huh?
I am always amazed by what we do during our sleep.
Huh, didn't know it was called that! I'm a Bruxist too... sounds somewhat political when you put it that way... between stress and pepsi max, I'm surprised I have any teeth left!
I grind my teeth when I am really run down and tired!!! Have done for years!!! Nature of the beast when you are a mother trying to fit everything in!!! Don't stress about it!!! lol
That's so interesting, I grind my teeth from time to time too, been doing it since I was a kid, thanks for the info.
I'm a teeth grinder too! Have done since I was a teenager.....grab a thin mouthguard if your really worried :-)
Poor you! The medication I'm on makes me clench my jaw contastly and grind my teeth too. Someone on here told me to touch the roof of my mouth with my tongue whenever I find myself doing it, and it seems to help. xx
I am another teeth grinder, dentist gave me valium to relax my mouth??? But I have heard also to get a mouth guard while you sleep....
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