Well it's the end of the working week and the end of Blogtoberfest..........
I've finished Nico's brithday present. I made an appliqued t-shirt using the fabulous cowboy fabric from Stacey, and a pair of jeans (recycled from an old pair of Mr CP's jeans).

I'm actually a bit sad that Blogtoberfest has to end....it's been so much fun! I've been introduced to so many new blogs (which hasn't helped my procrastination problems) but has definitely kept me entertained for hours on end. I could tell exactly how much time I'd been using and how many blogs I'd been reading when my internet virtually slowed to a halt with about 7 days until the end of month...aaaagggghhh! Surely 5 Gb per month is enough for a blogger? Anyhow, I'm hoping it will reset very early tomorrow morning.
Fantastic Blogtoberfest Fact:
There have been 49 giveaways listed on my sidebar. At least 4 giveaways were newly listed today so make sure you head on over and visit them all to enter.
Thankyou so much to Big Cat for hosting such a wonderful event....she's an ideas woman you know... you just wouldn't believe how many fantastic ideas she still has to come!
Thankyou to everyone who played along this month. Thankyou to everyone who hosted a giveaway. Thankyou to everyone who left a comment. I hope everyone had the chance to make some new bloggy friends.
.....and now on to a very good reason to Love Friday today.
On the 31st January 2009, I will be heading down to Lancefield for a lovely crafty day at Sewjourn. I've been hoping and wishing for this one all week long..... and I even checked the Sewjourn blog about 5 times today to see whether the winners had been drawn (am I pathetic?).
Lo and behold, I checked after dinner and found that I was one of the winners...yippee!
Sometimes, even though some really crappy things have happened lately, I really am the luckiest blog girl in the world.
Hope everyone has a lovely long (in Melbourne) weekend.....