I was making myself a new handbag yesterday afternoon and decided to overlock the seams as the fabric was fraying quite easily. There was a section of the seam that was thick and the overlocker became stuck before spitting out the left needle...aaaggghhhh.
The needle was still threaded and I managed to work out how to put it back in, but now the threads are not overlocking. I've tried to follow the diagrams in the instructions and on the overlocker but I just can't work it out. I ended up being so frustrated that I had to just walk away and leave it......
Maybe I'll try again later today.
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Oh I so hate that! I have the same overlocker as you and i find the only way to fix such disasters is to unthread everything and start over. Got a few spare hours??? ha ha!!!
Oh, that sounds really full on, I hope you work it out!
I have a recurring nightmare that my overlocker becomes un-threaded or a needle needs to be put back in. It came unthreaded once so I "happened" to take it in for a service! Good luck
it's bad enough when i break a needle on the sewing machine...
that just looks scary...
I hope you managed to sort it out Cam.
Oh that's so frustrating! Wish I could help but my overlockers about 30 years old!
Oh no I hate techinical problems. Once you get it sorted the first time you will learn so much about how the little sucker works.
Oh no! When overlockers are behaving they are very good and when they misbehave they are absolutely evil.
I once had a very similar problem (huge jam on a thick seam, big palaver fixing everything and then no stitching) and found that it was because I was so engrossed in the needles and threading that I left the presser foot up by accident. Apparently the overlocker won't stitch when you do this! Of course, that's not to say that you would do such a thing! Hope you get it sorted soon.
Agggh, annoying! I don't even have an overlocker and can feel the pain!
hope you get your overlocker sorted out soon
Hello .. i've done that too! bizarrely it seems always to be a threading problem .. you have to unthread it all then thread it back up again from right to left ... that usually works for me. But I agree that at the time one just wants to throw it out the window! x
Good luck with the re-threading. My overlocker had issues 9years ago and is still not rethreaded!
Oh no! This sounds absolutely terrible! Good luck with it!
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