Saturday, May 9, 2009

I promised a giveaway!

I'm a week late on my giveaway promise, but better late than never!

I saw this post over at Quilting Mick during the week, and got all inspired to whip out the mens shirt that had been hiding in the stash (my BIL didn't like the colour of the stripes so it ended up in my chop up pile)

I haven't seen the Betz White book, so I just split the shirt at the seams, and reconstructed it to create a half apron.

Frances is a bit too skinny to show the proper proportions, but the apron body goes all the way around to her back, and the straps are extra long. This apron will fit any size.

If you would like to win it for yourself, just leave a comment by Wednesday night - 8 PM Melbourne time..... simple as that!


willywagtail said...

That is gorgeous. What a clever idea and so prettily executed too. Cherrie
PS My word verification is pressi. Very appropriate!

trash said...

Oh I do like that. Am chopping old pairs of jeans this weekend for a quilt - yay for upcycling!!!!!

Sandra @ Pepperberry & Co. said...

Yay for giveaways! Yay for upcycling! And yay for you!

Are you feeling any better today?

Tania said...

Frances appears to be a tad skinnier and a hell of a lot taller than me - but I LOVE her get-up (and please count me in)!

Michelle said...

great idea...and so it....
and the trim is very much my

Cathy {tinniegirl} said...

I'm in. It's gorgeous.

Gina said...

Oh yes please. I was heartbroken that someone beat me to your fabulous little donkey apron at the market last saturday... though I'm thoroughtly enjoying my other curlypops loot! A shirt apron would be a nice addition, hope it finds a good home. At my place!

Dolores said...

Yes, I could use another apron. Thank you.

Wonky said...

how clever...would it be wrong to cut one of my partner's shirts while he is away??

Christy said...

upcycled fabulousity! you did a great job!

Michelle said...

Beautiful job! Well done, you!

Elizabeth said...

ooo! what a lovely idea! i'd wear this one! :) pick me! :)

DELiciousDesignz said...

How nice of you to giveaway your wonderfully upcycled shirt apron.

Jennifer Rose said...

that is really pretty! :D

PaisleyJade said...

pick me! pick me!

Selina said...

ooh Cam, I would love to win this! great job!

Liesl said...

What a cute refashion - I love it!

Missie Krissie said...

Count me in Cam... I'm ashamed to admit that I don't actually own an apron. Shock Horror!! :) SO I'd love to win yours!

Becky said...

A great way to recycle, I love it!

manda said...

What a gorgeous idea! I'd love to win it! Good luck everyone!

Jessie said...

count me in :)

Unknown said...

Please count me in - this is wonderful upcycling! one of my favorite things to do

Jessi said...

oh too cute!!! i love that floral material too, so vintage and so chic!!!

Car said...

Love the floral fabric, it goes nicely with the shirt fabric too :)

Cathie said...

wow, how great are you! I actually don't own any pretty aprons..just black chef ones...pretty boring compared to your gorgeous ones!

JustJess said...

Beautiful apron, please pop me in the running for this generous giveaway! Love the floral belt!

Lisa said...

Great use of a shirt!

gemma @ loz and dinny said...

Love it! You are clever clever clever! Posting your booty tomorrow!

Me and My 4 Fellas said...

OMG how freakin awesome.

Thanks for the opp and goodluck everyone.


Swirlyarts said...

Love the apron! I would love to enter it!

Sandi said...

Am loving that apron! Clever upcycling, Cam. A nice touch with the blue floral vintage fabric.

Katy said...

What a wonderful apron! I hope i win!

Anonymous said...

What a great idea - looks lovely

Bek said...

Very nice! I love the floral fabric.

Bronwyn said...

ooh I love aprons with extra long straps - I would feel very pretty wearing this! Thanks Cam!

Kat said...

Ooh count me in for the giveaway. I am a sucker for a cute apron!

LoteIT said...

Would love to be in the mix for this gorgeous apron.
Love your blog - pizza dough a staple here and around town out North.

Sayraphim said...

I'm in, I'm in! No one can say they have too many beautiful aprons. And since I only have one, that goes doubly true for me!

Megan.K. said...

Yes please.
