I suppose that if I put the information out into the public domain rather than keeping it my head, then it's more of a reality that it's actually going to happen.
Tinniegirl and I spent a little time thisafternoon planning some secret squirrel business that we've been thinking about for a while.
It's not secret squirrel business anymore..... we're going to take the plunge and try selling at our first ever craft market. There......I said it out loud (well, typed it out loud anyway)!
We've made a list of things to do beforehand, discussed what we'll be selling, and then we had a little play around on the kitchen bench with some props and containers to see how it will all look.
I still need to go and check Amy's Market Checklist and Cintia's Market Wisdom too.
Of course, this now means that I really have to stop procrastinating and actually start sewing...aaagggghhhh.
Thanks to Cindy for hosting and to Bek for this weeks theme!
Wowee! I hope it all goes fantastically, as I'm sure it will! Remember to post pics of all the goodies! :) Good luck!
That's great! Which market did you decide on?
Sounds really exciting! Good luck! Looking forward to hearing your progress. Happy Sewing!!
Awesome girls. You will love it and I hope you sell heaps and heaps. lots of pics please. oh oh what market? Can I come and cheer u on? I could be a customer!!
That's great! I'm sure you'll be a success - the things in your store are lovely :)
You GO, girls! Believe in yourselves and you can do anything.
Woohoo - that's exciting! Where are you going to be? I'll raid the piggy bank and pay a visit!
yay! I bet it's a roaring success and fun to boot :) good luck!
ohh! Good luck!! :o)
I see success ahead with two such crafty ones. Wish I could drop in on you all.
you'll love it! we did a few back in 2007 and I always loved it just don't spend all your money at the other stalls and always check out your competition before you go!
Good luck, markets are so much fun (and hard work). Your tea towel aprons would be a hit!
that's fantastic-good luck with it all:)
I am so excited for you - great idea to do it in pairs! Can't wait to hear more about the details - heehee.
Good on you girls - keep us posted on which market you will be at...
That's brilliant!. Congratulations on taking the plunge it will be so rewarding for you both on so many levels.
Good luck! Be sure to let me know where you'll be so I can come and visit.
I've been thinking about doing one or two markets as well. Can't decide as yet!
Oooh, very brave! I'm sure it will be a great success. I'd like to try this in 2009 too but I'll see how the sewing goes. Might check out these market links though, thanks for posting them :)
Good luck! I'm sure it will be a success.
Oh dear, it's out there in the big wide world now. I'd better get to work.
Ohh exciting! Which market will you guys be at?
sounds wonderful I am sure you will both do really well!!! go girls!!!
Love , love , love that table cloth and I'm sure you'll both be a fantastic success, your both very talented, go girls!
Whohoo!! Go Cam!!
Oooh, you both will do sooo well! Go for it :)
That sounds like a great collaboration to me
That's great! It'll be brilliant, you'll see! ;)
How exciting!!! Best of luck in your new venture - with all the fabulous things you and Tinniegirl make it is destined to be a big success!!
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