Wednesday, April 6, 2011

You Sew Girl - The Giveaway

Well, what an exciting couple of days it has been!

Along with my Cosmo Fun Fearless Female Nomination on Monday, I also received a signed-by-the-author pre-release copy of You Sew Girl.

I've been watching Nikki toiling away over the last year or more, putting her heart and soul into the making of this book - writing, editing, making samples, testing, taking photos, getting everything perfect.

I was so proud to be able to help along the way by testing some of the patterns, and heading along to one of the photo shoots.

It's so wonderful to see the end product - an amazing craft book by a fabulous Australian author!

There are so many projects inside that I can't wait to make, and all of the patterns are in an envelope at the back of the book.

It's also full of all the best tips and techniques to improve your sewing skills.

Now of course, there's absolutely no way that I'm giving up my copy (and it already has my name on it)..... but I do have an extra copy which I'm giving away to a very lucky blog reader. All you have to do is leave a comment on this post. The giveaway will close on May 1st (the book release date) at 8PM, and the winner will be chosen by the random number generator.

If you can't wait that long, you can actually reserve your very own copy and pre-order You Sew Girl.

After May 1st, it will definitely be available at all good bookstores, and directly from Nikki's shop..... a little bird might have also whispered that there *may be some copies available to buy from the Nicole Mallalieu Design stand at the Australasian Quilt Convention?

*Please don't hold me to that, just in case the planets don't align and they're not quite ready in time!


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seabreezequilts said...

I am really excited about this book, I love all Nikki's patterns, she is one talented lady, and even if I don't win I am heading to the ABC shop on the 1st of May to get my copy.

Anna Bartlett said...

Nikki is a gem! Yes, please count me in for the giveaway!

Jenny of Elefantz said...

She's a great talent, and I'd love to win a copy of her book! :-)

Tamara | One Craftee Mumma said...

Ohhh, this looks like a gorgeous book. What a great idea to have a special spot for patterns in the back!

Carla @ More Than Tuesdays said...

Oohhh what a sweet win *this* would be! I've been following Nikki for some time now. Love her attention to detail

Swirlyarts said...

Well I'm never one to pass up a book and a sewing one at that! Count me in :)

Tammy said...

Oh My goodness! I would love a copy of Nikki's book!

Tania said...

I am a lucky duck (with a copy) so kick me out of the running - but I'm HOPPING UP AND DOWN EXCITED BECAUSE THAT BOOK IS CRAMMED WITH A BAZILLION TOP TIPS. Like, you know, give me a second and I'll be sewing like a profesh and all...

yardage girl said...

Wow - how excellent is that book! Count me in int he giveaway, please!

Jennifer Rose said...

what a nice looking book :)
hubby has been using my sewing machine more than me lately lol i think he has discovered a love of sewing late in life

Lisa said...

How exciting that Nikki's book is done! Can't wait to get my hands on a copy. If I have no luck winning one I'll definitely be buying it.

Becky said...

I think I should get a copy of this book, my sewing skills could use the help!

Cathie said...

as amazing as the book looks online, it looks absolutely fabulous in the flesh. Nikki is a star!
I am definitely looking forward to it...may teach me a thing...or twenty!
you girls are amazing!

MyLittleBlueDog said...

Congratulations Nikki. Something else to look out for!

Pam said...

This is on my wishlist! Would be fantastic to win it! And yay, another blog to add to my feed!

Unknown said...

Oh I've been looking forward to this book! I've already bought a bunch of Nikki's patterns so if I don't win here it doesn't matter as I'll just go out and buy it once it is in the shops.

nicole said...

Woohoo go Nikki!!!
Can't wait to have a look and learn stuff :D

Anonymous said...

Ooohhh what a scrummy giveaway! Congratulations to Nikki on all the hard work paying off. Bet you were an asset in getting it up and going too Cam! Can't wait to get a copy either way :)

Jennie said...

Want want want! And if I don't win I shall buy buy buy!

willow and moo said...

Oh I have to put my hand up for the book! Thanks Cam and Nikki! :)

Sue Niven said...

Congratulations, and how exciting! Count me in too please!

willywagtail said...

Yes please! and thankyou too! I love the way the book is bound and the pattern holder in the back too. Gorgeous. It would be absolutely the bees knees to own Nicole's book and learn all those secrets. Cherrie

Seaweed and Raine said...

Yay! More lovely Australian designs! :) I'm excited to finally have the confidence to takle something sewn! And I'd love to have a copy :)

Elyse (Give Me Bows) said...

What a great idea, I have just started learning to sew (have completed one dress and one skirt) and have been on the lookout for new patterns! :)

Kate said...

Argh, pick me, pick me!

Melisa Jane said...

So excited for this! WOuld love to win a copy.

Christina Lowry said...

It's all happening in the land of Curly Pops! Count me in!

And big congratulations to Nicole. What a fantastic achievement. The book looks fabulous. I'm sure it will be met with success.


Fiona said...

Nikki is such an inspiration. Please count me in. Can't wait to see the book!

Tas said...

Oh, Nikki must be rapt to have the book up and running. It looks very swish! Lovely giveaway :)

Ange Moore said...

Oh, looking forward to seeing this in the bookshop (but would be stoked to win a copy if "I could be so lucky, lucky, lucky, lucky" - when did the Kylie kick in?). Anyway, looks like it'd be a very inspiring and useful book and Nikki's such a talented gal!

bec said...

Cool, I wanna win one! And i'll buy one too, but winners are grinners haha

angelina said...

woa, thank you curleypops! x

Hinerangi Hemara-Haeana said...

What a gorgeous book! Would love to win this to give to one of my dearest friends who is just learning to sew!

Little Cooties said...

Wow! congrats to Nikki for achieving such a great goal! I can't wait to take a look at it and get inspired.
Crossing fingers that I will win a copy here, but if not, will def add it to my collection!

Unknown said...

what an achievement for the aussie crafters!
count me in for the give away!
xx Courtney

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful aussie book! I would love to peek through this! sharynnwilliams at hotmail dot com

Ky said...

Lovely giveaway, I'd love to win a copy:)

pinkchook said...

wow excellent giveaway. I have been eagerly awaiting this book. :)

Miss Muggins said...

How exciting Cam to have been involved in the process. Thanks for sharing that excitement around. I would love to win a copy!

teegs.e said...

how exciting! if i'm not lucky enough to win myself a copy i'll definitely be heading to the shops!

Piccolamia said...

Love to be part of this giveaway!

Lisa said...

What a great giveaway. Thanks Cam. I thought I would try my luck at winning a copy (who doesn't like a freebie??!!) but if I don't win, I won't be sad cause I will be buying it anyway! I can't wait.
Thanks Cam.

delia said...

Woah, what a lovely book! I love new projects :) Congrats on your nomination btw!

Amy said...

I want this book too! It looks really really really REALLY awesome! Nice to see an Aussie author :)

Unknown said...

This book looks amazing, I'd love to win a copy! :)

Mrs. Joanz said...

I LOVE Nikki! This book would be so wonderful to have!

Christine M said...

Can't wait to see inside the book! Just love the cover. Thanks for the chance to win a copy.

Mel said...

Just the look of the book is reason enough to buy it - even if every project in it stays on the "I'm going to do it one-day" list. Love the spiral bounding & cute envelope at the back - this is definitely on my wishlist.

Sheeprustler said...

Should that be 'toile'ing away?! I would love to win a copy of this, but if not I am definitely buying it anyway!!

Jennie said...

I would love to learn how to sew some different things - I get stuck in a rut alot! This book looks brilliant Cam!

Lyndel said...

oh well done Nikki, and well done you, Cam on such lovely photos of the book.. that fabric is devine!

Margaret said...

Ohh! Include me in on the draw, although I will probably fold and pre-order a copy to make sure I get one!

Rie said...

Can't wait to see the book in the bookstores! Love the backdrop for your pics of the book too!

Carrie Miller said...

It looks really good!

trudi@maudeandme said...

Beautiful looking book - I'm very intrigued!

Fiona said...

I can't wait to get my hands on this book!! The cover is beautiful and I just want to have a little peek inside ... soon!!

Naturally Carol said...

Oh I hope my number comes up or maybe you'll see my hand waving in the crowd...I'm the one in the red t-shirt! Pick me! Pick me!
A beautifully presented book.

Adriana said...

Oooh. Yes please. Count me in!
I'm definitely in need of some 'confidence and style'...

And it's so pretty!

It's looks great on your new turquoise crochet fabric too!

LionessLady said...

Oh yes pelase - sign me right up to win this one!

macca said...

Ohh Lovely I have been waiting for that book to come out. Would love to win a copy.

Clarinda said...

How could I NOT enter! what a great prize!! Thank you.

Josh and Kirrily said...

I would also love to win a copy. I love Nikki's patterns and this book looks so pretty!!

Stomper Girl said...

Please enter me, I was thinking of buying this and then spent all my money on cat repairs!

Andi said...

Me!!! Pick me!!!!

Strawberries on toast said...

That is fantastic, please count me in to win this fantastic book.

Unknown said...

Oh Wow, what a gorgeous book. This is just what I need to kick start my sewing again!! Fingers are crossed in anticipation ;)

Unknown said...

Goodness that looks exciting. I would love to be entered to please. enjoy your wednesday, dee x

Kylie said...

I am looking forward to this book coming out - If I manage to win one even better.
How exciting for Nikki.

Cat from Raspberry Rainbow said...

Yes please, count me in to win one! Great competition. It looks gorgeous, as well as being informative.

Catherine said...

So exciting! Looking forward to seeing it in real life soon...

Car said...

very exciting, I definitely need help with sewing!

Kate said...

I can not wait to see this book - I know it will be fantastic! And voting done :)

Anonymous said...

I'm excited about this book too. I can't wait to see a copy. Thanks for sharing the fun.

Anonymous said...

Cam congratulations on your Cosmo nomination that is sooo awesome and you so deserve to win. Thank you too for being my first follower on 'the other blog' you are a sweetie. Nikki's book looks wonderful can't wait to see it xx

Mystica said...

Thanks for sharing and giving us the opportunity to win!

Tana c said...

Nikki is awesome - please count me in!!

HelenThura said...

ohh, it looks like a fantastic book

Bron said...

Yes please thanks for being so sharing.

Cass said...

I hope I am the lucky one

Kylie said...

The book looks and sounds awesome! As a bonefide *bag lady* as my Mummy calls me, I'll have to bag myself a copy! Let's hope I win your giveaway! :]

Melanie said...

Are you bringing your copy for a look-see at next week's NCB? I can't wait to see it in the flesh. And own it, of course, because naturally I'll be doing that very soon too!

Christy said...

What an exciting book! Count me in too. Thanks for the chance. Congrats on your Cosmo FFF nomination!

eumama said...

I'd love to be counted in this giveaway too, please!

ginevra said...

Oh, I'd looooove a copy of that book!

Jan said...

I am so looking forward to this book; I need all the sewing help I can get! Thanks, Cam, for the chance to win - and congrats on your nomination!

Vic said...

I need this! I do! I've just rushed over from Nikki's Creative Space where she's flaunting wrap-skirt amazingness!


Gillian R said...

Ooo er... a famous girl giving away another famous girls' book... yes pretty please, count me in!

Kelly said...

What a gorgeous looking book! Please count me in for the giveaway!!

SEW RED HOT said...

Enter me please ! I'm in the Nicole Mallelieu fan club for sure !

Meg said...

What a great book, my hand is up for a copy!

Mr Button said...

Oh yes, please!!! I'd think I'd like it if Super Pops did a little doodle in mine. Thank you! Lisa x

Unknown said...

Looks fabulous, count me in please :)

Sarah said...

Oh wow this book looks really cool :) Totally going to buy one when it comes out =)

Em said...

Wow the book looks beautiful just by itself, and so many good reviews - count me in definitely!!

sooz said...

Oh yeah, count me in! I am dying to get my hands on a copy!

zofia said...

Oh, I am so looking forward to this book!
Put me down please! :D

Anthony said...

This looks like such a great book - I'd love to get a copy!

XTrail DayTripper said...

Ooh me please, here's hoping I'm the lucky number for the book draw

Unknown said...

I would love to win this book, how inspiring!!

CraftyMummy said...

Great to see a fabulous book by an Aussie author. Thanks for the giveaway!

Lizette said...

the book looks gorgeous. thanks for the giveaway

flowerpress said...

Definitely throwing my name in the barrel! I'm sure its great!!

KathyB said...

Cannot wait for the book to arrive, Nikki has the best patterns and ideas.

Mon Alisa Design said...

I'm in too! I need all the help I can get! x

Cheryl (aka Kayly) said...

My arm's up and waving in the air to be included in the give-away to please! I so wish I lived in Melbourne or anywhere in Victoria so I could go to one of her workshops.The cover looks good and I bet inside is filled with wonderful things.

Kira said...

I just saw Nikki's wrap skirts on her blog and I really want to make myself one now. I need the book in order to make it so I'd love to win this!

Making Spaces Marketplace said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kirrily said...

I absolutely cannot wait for this book to come out! So excited!

meri said...

Please count with me!I would be very very happy if I had Nikki's book, surely :)
and thanks for the chance

Brianna said...

Love to win a copy (If I don't I know where you live and yours might go missing!).

Bungalowgirl said...

I would love to win a copy of this wonderful looking book as I am starting down a sewing path and would love to have a guiding hand. Mel.

Tanya said...

Sing it with me girls:

Oh Nikki you're so fine, you're so fine, your book could be mine, hey Nikki, hey hey, hey Nikki!

Anna said...

Would love to have a chance to win the book. If my number doesn't come up on 1st May, my children will be getting massive hints for my Mother's Day gift.

Lilli boo said...

What a beautiful book and very inspiring...either way a copy is worth coveting even if I have to buy it myself!!

A Peppermint Penguin said...

If Scotland isn't too far to send it - can I play?

Nikki is fab - you tested Nikki's patterns, ergo you are also fab! :-)


momid5 said...

Lovely, interesting book..I think the top also mentioned would be yummy! Hope to win...thanks for the chance!!

WelshRach said...

This looks like a gorgeous book, I know someone who would love a special surprise if I won this ':)

~ Kim ~ said...

Nikki is awesome. I love her blog and her shop. I would love to win her book, thanks!

Anonymous said...

I'm such a fan of Nikki. The first time I met her I said I felt like a Groupie!! (which is marginally better than a stalker or sycophant, I hope). Thank you for the chance to get a copy of her book. Such a thrill.

Vintage Grrl said...

I am going to put my entry in for this giveaway. I love Nikki's patterns and style. :D

almulcahy said...

Very exciting she has a book out. I've been a big fan for a long time now. Fantastic!

Little Munchkins said...

What a generous giveaway! I love Nikki's stuff so this book is bound to be fabulous!

IndigoElephant :: Sash said...

Love Nikki's style and am looking forward to gettting my hands on a copy of this book!!

Jenny from Ohjoh said...

Nikki is a very clever little custard! And her patterns are great!
Please pop my name in what looks like it will be a rather large bucket of names.

Unknown said...

Me me me! please include me in the draw for the giveaway!

Leisurely Lesley said...

Definitely count me in. I would truly love a copy of this book.

AS said...

That is just a little too exciting!! I'd love to get my hands on a copy!! Winning would make it even more exciting!!

Megan.K. said...

Oooh, have to enter this one. Pick me, pick me pretty please Most Generous Random Number Generator Thingy!!! What a great prize, Cam, thanks for offering this book.

Bron66 said...

This book is on my wish list! I definitely need the help!

amummy said...

The new book looks fantastic, I have been following Nikki's blog for ages. i so hope I win this.

Cath @ chunkychooky said...

WOW!!! it's here!!! how exciting!!!

Kaja said...

WoW! Awesome giveaway. Even though I live on the opposite side of the world (Sweden) I follow a lot of Aussie bloggers, and Nikki is one of them. I think we have quite similar taste and philisophy when it comes to style and clothing.

However. I would need an update of my wardrobe, so some new fresh patterns..... Yummy!

Suzie from said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Suzie from said...

book looks amazing! love the pics and the patterns in the back. A girl needs all the help she can get ~ so would love love love to win this!

Karen said...

Oooh would love to win a copy of Nikki's book Cam - looks great!

Ooty said...

Ooh!!! I was so waiting for this one to come out! I love reading her blog and her tips are always great help to me! I would loooooove to win a copy =)

Bron said...

hooray - i can't wait to get my hands on this book!
Thanks for doing a giveaway! =)

Michelle said...

I can't wait for this book to come out! I'll be stalking around my local bookstore come May 1, even if I don't win!

faith76 said...

Would love to win a copy of this book - I ave never made anything sewing wise but would love to make that Babushca backpack - it's fab.

Leah x

loirat said...

What a fun book! Thanks for the chance to win.

loirat said...

I don't think I enabled email before, but I just wanted to say I love your work.

dilly dalley Melissa said...

I'm just new to sewing and would love a book like this. It's worth a try in the giveway but I'd be lookin in shops come May 1.

Juddie said...

Ooooh yes please! I'll buy a copy anyway but would love to have a chance to win :-)

Elise said...

I am very new to the Blog thing & have been teaching myself how to Sew! Id love the chance to win. The book looks fantastic & im sure it would give me great inspiration!

Christy said...

I'll be in - if you let me! I love a pattern pocket on a book. The new Oliver & S book has no pocket. The patterns were just taped in. I hope I don't lose them.

cathg1g2 said...

A happy teen will be thrilled to get this from her mama

Mandy said...

I've been waiting for the book for ages, so glad it's finally nearly here, yay.

Sarah said...

i have just found your blog and am an instant follower!! what a great way to let us all know of an amazing australian artist. thanks for letting me know about her new book.

Margaret Cuss said...

My heart would jump for joy if I won a copy of Niki's new book !!! Hope I win !!!

sandra said...

I love Nicole's patterns!! would love to win her book!

Anne said...

Congratulations Nikki looks awesome!

Claire said...

Oh wow! I'm so excited about this book and can't wait for a copy! I would especially love to win one!

Nic said...

This book looks amazing! I can't wait to get my hands on a copy!

snowflakes4sam said...

Love the look of those skirts and the no pattern tops. I imagine that this wonderful book will give many a swewing machine a good work out. Thanks.

Kelly Casanova said...

It looks marvellous, thanks for the opportunity to win one!

Unknown said...

Nikki has it all sewn up!!!!!!!!

Erin said...

It looks beautiful! Thanks for a great giveaway!

mummy_chelle said...

Wow! What a cool giveaway!

Laura said...

The book looks great, I would love to win!!

Samantha said...

I've just come across your blog in a very roundabout way! (Ricracs blog to Nikki's to yours!)
I've spent quite a while looking through your posts, I really like your blog and I'm your new follower :) I'd love to enter the giveaway please, the book looks amazing!!

Samantha xx

Anonymous said...

Wow, I'd love to win a copy.

zoesquid said...

Count me in!

Leanne said...

Ohh Ohh add me to the hat please LOVE Nicki's patterns, already have a few............. would love the book.

Philippa said...

Looks like a great book - would love the opportunity to win. Philippa (PS I hopped over here via a link from the Haby Goddess - love your blog now too xx)

MissAmy said...

I'm really looking forward to this book!

Edgie said...

WOW what a great giveaway - have been waiting for this to come out - looks fantastic : )

kyliealysha said...

Wow what a fab book :D

Smilie girl said...

Looks beautiful! And full of good things to make.

Bernice said...

What a gorgeous looking book. I love to win something so special so count me in.

lucyboots australia said...

pick me pick me!

Margaret said...

Would love to win a copy of this book. Looks fantastic!!!

Anonymous said...

LOVE the messenger bag with the bird fabric....I would love to win this book!

Dawn said...

I need this book so much I can't explain!

isabel f. said...

wow!! I will love to win that copy!!! please count me in :)))

DbrhH. said...

Nic's designs are great would love to have this book. Please add me to the entry list!!

michelle said...

So lovely to an Uassei sewing book. Yay! Please count me in.

AMM said...

I would love to win this book from a talented local lady. Thanks for the opportunity.

Karen said...

I so need this book, so exciting to see it at last!

Suzanne said...

I am a big fan of both of you! The book looks fabulous. Would love a copy.

Sue said...

A big YES PLEASE !!!!!!!

Nic T said...

Ooh Arrhh, love a bit of inspiration and eye candy. Looking forward to planning a few projects. Congrats Nikki. Nice blog Cam, best of luck with your Cosmo election - Cleo centerfold, with artfully placed superhero headband next !
Go well!!

Mistea said...

Not sure where I've been hiding out - but I read a review about this book on another blog today. Sounds as wonderful as all her patterns are.
Would love a chance to get my hands on a copy.
Thanks for sharing.

Robyn said...

Fantastic, please include me in this great giveaway Thanks :)

mindlessmumbles said...

Me Me Me!
Sounds fantastic!

Jo said...

I'd love to have a copy of this, count me in!

Helen Yann said...

I just Nikki's patterns. Good luck with the book!

A Red Ham said...

Please can I win. I love Nicki's work. THe book looks great!

Mary said...

How I would love to add this inspiring book to my library. Good luck everyone ..!

tartankiwi said...

I'd love some patterns to try. My sewing is improving all the time!

Anonymous said...

Please include me in this giveaway. Nikki is such a great talent and the snippets of her book look amazing. I want to make one of everything so far! Thanks for the giveaway.

Christine said...

I can't wait to get hold of a copy of this book, I'm sure it's going to be wonderful!

Tania said...

Thanks for the giveaway. The book looks lovely

Lindi said...

I would LOVE to win a copy. :) Nicole's designs are fabulous.

Frances said...

I would love a copy of this book, great designs.....Thanks for the chance! frances

Carolyn McPherson said...

Thanks for the chance to win my very own copy!! Love her stuff!

our shabby cottage said...

Oh, you know I'd love a copy, but I don't know if I can wait that long, I may have to pre-order!!!! I will have to get my copy signed too at sewjourn next time we go, that's if she's not too famous to hang with us peasants!!!!! Thanks for the opportunity Cam, Kathryn.

Kiwifruit-Shiree said...

what a talented designer, I would love a copy of this delightful book!

Nova said...

oooo! Nikki's book looks fantastic!

Deb said...

This book looks fantastic, please count me in!

Katrina Higham said...

I would love to add this to my small sewing book collection to learn more! Thanks!

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