After the complete failure of trying to make the felted jumper into a softie, I appliqued it onto a new cushion cover instead. I used the same base fabric as my one of my new art canvasses, so now I have a cute little cushion for the couch.
There is however half of a felted jumper left over, so I don't think that I can truly say that I completed the challenge...... stay tuned for more felty jumper to come in the future!
Very curlypopsy
That is very very cool :)
This pillow is just so adorable.
That's a really cute pillow!
It's fabulous Cam. Absolutely adorable.
Very 'pospy' indeed! Good on you for taking up the challenge, and creating something beautiful out of our felting disaster.
Such a cutie Cam, well done!
He is very cute Cam and very you and I'm sure will make a great companion on the couch. I only hope you don't plan on him watching too much TV with you. I think he might have trouble focusing!!!
cute :D and more great colours. poor cross eyed little thing ;)
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