Do you ever have one of those days when you feel like the whole world is conspiring against you?
After the six hour blackout Friday night, I then had no power at home for another four hours yesterday (some sort of fault with a high voltage underground transformer apparently).
So I thought that things would be better today. I tottled off down the street to post some parcels (no queue at the post office - fantastic), and then headed to Aldi to buy some groceries. I really wanted a tuna sandwhich for lunch, so I had the tuna in my trolley, and was heading for the bread aisle when....... THE POWER WENT OUT!
Everyone had to leave their trolleys and go home......
In desperation, I got back in the car and headed for Macca's drive through, and ordered a chicken fillet burger. The nice lady asked me whether I would like seared or crispy, and I ordered crispy...... what did I get?????
oh yes it is a conspiracy...
i'm sure...
sorry to hear about the blackouts...and in this weather it would be horrid...
but be sure to remember that you have helped at least one person today...thanks for the chat...
Oh no! What a series of events.
Just stay in bed, pull the covers over your head and wait for it all to pass.
Some days are spent far better in bed ;)
Hope the week starts looking up for you
that sucks the big one !
awww...hopefully there is some good karma coming your way!
It's not happening for you this week, that's for sure.
Oh dear maybe tomorrow will be better!!!!
Oh what a day! Hope it get much better very soon!
Gotta love Mickey D's that's for sure! The amount of times they've gotten my order wrong is uncountable!
Hope your week gets better. The aussie weather has been on the news here in NZ... Hottest weather for a century or something! SCARY!
oh dear Cam! Chocolate is definately the answer and plenty of it!!!
Definitely. A liberal application of chocolate is required. No cooking, no mess (if you lick it off your paws)
Oh dear..i hate those days. I am sure good luck is coming..xx
Poor old you! I agree with the other girls; chocolate, chocolate and more chocolate is called for!
I kind of had one of those mornings yesterday... there's nothing much you can do with them when they happen is there?
That would make me so cranky. Hope it all gets back on track soon.
p.s. hehehe, the word verification for this comment is "ovarie", tehehehehehe
oh cam. i must echo those who say eat chocolate and get cozy. find a candle and read a book? no, wait, don't light a candle . . . ummmm, just sit VERY still and eat chocolate. sunshine to you, elizabeth
i guess it could have been worse if there was a Q in the post office .. perhaps you have an electric personality which is at odds with your power supply? xxx
Maybe the lady at the Golden Arches got a bit confused. You asked for crispy, but looked seared from all the power blackouts and lack of air-conditioning. Here's to a turn of events for the rest of the week!
(Word verification is "tastacat". Thta's just plain disturbing)
Oh Cam I seem to get days like that as well. AT least they are few and far between!
That weekend looked absolutly fabulous....
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