The Nanny Diaries - I'm almost finished but now I can't find the book. It's probably packed in a box somewhere.
I'm about to have some brekky so I'm thinking about vegemite toast. I'm having a BBQ for tea tonight....yum.
Absolutely nothing at the moment. I'm about to go back to my old house to pick up my sewing supplies after breakfast. I can't guarantee that I'll actually use them in the next couple of weeks, but at least I'll be able to look at the pretty fabrics and dream.
Series 2 of Dexter, and Brothers and Sisters, which are both on at the same time, and now I don't have Foxtel IQ anymore so I can't watch one and tape one..... huge dilemma!
I must also add that I'm extremely happy that Channel 10 came to their senses and moved The Bold and the Beautiful back to it's original timeslot. Of course, I'm addicted to The Biggest Loser again this year too.
Everyone that today is the last day of Organ Donor Awareness Week in Australia.
If you don't already know why I'm so passionate about this issue, then you can read my story here.
Just remember, that even if you register as a donor, your family has to make the final decision. You need to ensure that all of your family members are aware of your wishes.
You can visit the Medicare website to find all of the information that you need, and there are links to lots of other organisation as well. You can register online here.
I did mine yesterday, lest I forget. With Jen gone and you moving I thought there wouldn't be many this month :) I think real stories encourage people to sign up. It hits home a bit more when someone you know (even if it's through blogging) could be affected, so I applaud you for sharing your story.
Good on you for promoting this cause (for good reason too I see). I signed up as an organ donor last February after my boy Felix was born. Thank you for sharing your story.
hello and thanks for a great blog. If you need a good read after your book try "the friday night knitting club" awesome read and very craft inspiring tahnks again
Ever since I was old enough to be registered, I've been a donar! How could you not, when doctors can do such amazing things with otherwise useless bits of flesh, and help someone else live a better life? However I can't donate blood. My B12 and Iron are too low, almost non existing, so it's useless for transfusions!
Hope you are settling in to your temporary accom nicely. Enjoy looking at those lovely creative supplies and dream about your new craft room.
All the best in your new home , take care .
clares craftroom
Dexter. Without a doubt!!!
Yep, Dexter is a fave over here too.
Whoops, I was late with just a minute for February!
Season 2 of Dexter is sooo good!
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