The lovely Mookah ladies have issued SuperPops with a challenge which must be completed by the end of Blogtoberfest. We're halfway there already, and I haven't come up with a definitive idea of what I'm going to do.
I need to take this extremely well felted jumper.......
- from Mookah
"it was a mens XL 100% wool cream cable knit jumper - you know the sort I mean. Anyway, we weren't thinking and put it in with a red jumper, so you guessed it, it's now a baby pink coloured jumper. Worse than that though, it shrunk just a little more than desired, and would probably now fit a 4 year old child."
.....and transform it into something wonderful.

Creativity abounds at the home of My Creative Space
PS - If you're stuck for Blogtoberfest ideas, just check out the list on Amy's sidebar, and today you can also head on over to Chunky Chooky for help. Cath has a post chock full of ideas for everyone!
Exreme felting!! You could do anything with that and the colour is so feminine too. Just letting you know I have posted my giveaway today too. It ends 22 October I think. Cherrie
Wow - that jumper really did shrink! Good luck with the challenge. It looks like a lovely cuddly medium to be playing with - a softie would be cute - maybe a fat birdie?!
Such a pretty pink now though ! Thankyou for your support yesterday your kind words were very much appreciated .
Wow, gauntlets are being thrown down all over the place, there are challenges being issued here there and everywhere! Love it. And good luck...
Oh and I am still struggling for a Superpops idea. We'll see if I make it... xx
Wow you are an awesome machine of creativity and I humbly bow down to you and look forward as always to see your finished projects. :)
Oh save me some scraps will you. I've got an idea!
It has potential in it's next life that's for sure :P...I hope you accomplish your challenges, lots going on these days!
Can't wait to see what you come up with.
I'll be really interested to see what you come up with! (Another superhero, maybe?)
Also, I've just finished my Superpos entry. Please take a look!
I am going to have to hit the charity shops for some woolly jumpers I think! I just want to have a go at it, I feel inspired.
Yes, I can't see what you come up with either. You are also very inventive. It will no doubt be fantastic
I have a pile of jumpers that look like that too - I need to make something with them before the weekend with them or miss a deadline. Better get crafting!
Ahhh...see I knew others would see it with potential! That's why it was best to pass it on to someone with SuperPops vision.
Can't wait to see your creative conclusion, and SuperPops rise to the challenge!
RE: Your comment- I don't mind at all if you post my drawing on your blog!
at least its a nice shade of pink ;p
The suspense is killing me, can't wait to see what the 'amazing superpops' does with this!! (Parker has become so engrossed in Astro Boy series at the moment, I'm so proud)!!
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