Instead, I'm attending an appointment where I get to sit in a nice comfy armchair, read a book, and listen to some groovy tunes..... If I'm nice, someone might even make me a cup of tea and bring me a sandwich while I'm there (not including any salad of course).
I'm also taking a notebook to sketch some new ideas, and write some lists.... I'm having terrible problems remembering things lately.
Of course, if you'd like to see some lovely people who are actually creating something today, then make sure to head on over and say hi to Kirsty and join in the fun (and make sure to check out the cool corner bookmark tute - I need one of those today)!
Sounds like we'll both be in very similar places today ;) I don't get tea and a sandwich though, guess I'm not nice enough!
Sounds like a fine day. I am doing the same a bit of pottering about, a bit of cooking for my book club meeting tonight and maybe trying to fix the fence that somebody ran into last night.
Have a nice day Angelique
Enjoy your day, and some creative thinking time.
I hope you enjoy the positive of your appointment - I am making lists to - I seem to have the memory of a goldfish.
good luck. relax. maybe even catch some zzzzz's
Hope the creative head space proves fruitful.
Thanks Cam for being so lovely. x
Enjoy your crafty day off..And soak up the comfyness :)
enjoy the relax....and the book :)
sounds wonderful! enjoy!
Sounds lovely. Have a great day Curly.
Try to enjoy the day. Sometimes the most creative ideas emerge when the hands have no choice but to be still.
enjoy :D try not to relax too much. might fall asleep and miss the sandwich ;p
Rather than be creative, I'm admiring fabric and reading Do It Yourself magazine. Enjoy your day off...
Have a peaceful day. Let us know if the book's any good? :) K
Nothing like time away to refresh the mind. Enjoy the quiet time and (hopefully) some pampering.
Oh I HEAR you on not being able to remember things lately - I hope to make myself a little notebook or eleven this week to write down everything from shopping lists to crafty "to dos"... I just have to remember to do it... ;)
The real reason for me getting a nintendo ds was for the brain training. I was shocking - totally forgetting everything even with writing a list. I'd forget where the list was.
Good news is my forgetfullness is better after only a week! Hooray!!
Hope you have a lovely day relaxing, reading, listening and sitting. It's good to have a break (even if it is for an appointment).
A day off sounds really sensible... no doubt you'll feel revitalised for more creative endeavours.
Book looks interesting. I used to read things. Now I just point at pictures of Spot the Dog in cardboard kiddie books.
Hope the Doc treats you well :-)
I love days like this. Have fun.
While I am sure you'd rather not be spending the day in that particular comfy armchair, it's great that you are able to look a the positives and use that quiet time to relax and plan.
Sounds so deliciously wonderful...enjoy...!
Head space sounds good. Hope your day was lovely and you return inspired tomorrow.
Hope you got that cuppa and sandwich ... and that there was time for quiet contemplation and hatching of crafty ideas.
L. x
I hope you had a wonderful relaxed day and that you feel completely energized again. x
Ooh that sounds great! I took a little break today and sat by a sunny window and read a book for about 10 mins, it was so good!
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