Monday, October 15, 2012

Blogtoberfest Halfway - Time for a Giveaway

What better way to celebrate the half way mark of Blogtoberfest than to have a giveaway!

A few lovely peeps suggested a pink and orange themed giveaway, which I think is a brilliant idea.

So, all you need to do to be in with a chance to win a Funky Flower Pendant Necklace and Earrings Set is to leave a comment on this post.

The winner will be chosen by at 8PM on October 31st (of course, please make sure that your email address is enabled in your ID so that I can contact you if you win).

There's also a matching set available as a charity fundraiser for Team Ruby which is an organisation that raises awareness for Cystic Fibrosis. Just pop on over and 'like' the Team Ruby page on FB.  The auction will take place in November.

While you're there, why not 'like' my CurlyPops page. It's the best place to get up to the minute info on the latest happenings, and access to special FB only sales.

How are you faring so far? Have you managed to post every day? Is blogging becoming a habit? Are you loving it, or is it driving you stark raving bonkers? Spill!


Anonymous said...

Yes please! They are very cute :)

Blogging every day is interesting. KCWC has been keeping me going - will be interesting to see how I fare after that!

ARTwendy ... said...

Love your work CurlyPops ... see you at Anna's Pop Up Shop soon!! Adore a bit of pink & orange together!!

Tanya said...

cute AS! love pink and orange together

Leonie said...

Gorgeous! The colours are really pretty.

Tas said...

Gorgeous colours- just beautiful.

I am just not meant to do Blogtoberfest. Every year since I have been blogging, something has gotten in the way- illness, hospital visits, overseas holiday (bloody overseas holidays lol)

Next year...

JaBCreations said...

Perhaps I should have used Octoberfest as a time to START blogging. I have had a blog for ages but have never put any posts on it. How do you know if your email is attached to your comments? I'm not very blog literate.

Tracy VT said...

My favourite colours! Yes, I've blogged everyday...I makes me stay focussed on being creative, or recoring creativity at least! I am fortunate to have a job that enables me - an d pays - to be creative and sit at a sewing machine! I love inspiring and working with the kids as they grapple with sewing challenges!
While I haven't 'done' each day's challenge I have ceeratinly enjoyed reading the prompts and ideas! ...and I've loved the extra traffic and feedback participating in the giveaway has brought to my blog! Cheers!

Wombat's Picnic said...

So funny, just published my blog post about falling off the blogtoberfest wagon:) Blogging every day is hard, but it's helped me refect on why I blog and what I want to blog about. I am planning to set aside time over the Christmas/summer holiday to create a new blog plan (too much going on before then to start sooner Term 4 is CRAZY). Cyndy

PS gorgeous necklace - love seeing how you are putting your new illustration and design skills into new products:)

Deb Robertson Writes said...

I love these! I wish I had signed up for Blogtoberfest cause I've been so good at blogging lately! Funny how it goes isn't it!

CurlyPops said...

Hi JaBCreations - I couldn't reply as your email isn't enabled. Check out this post for instructions:

Anna said...

I took part in Blogtoberfest last year but not this year as I found it too hard to blog every day. I would like very much to win the necklace and earrings. Thank you for your generous offer.

Fiona said...

Ohhh ... my niece would love these!!

I can't imagine blogging every day - I'd like to say it's because I don't have time (but I spend a lot of time online, so I probably do if I'm honest!!), but really it comes down to being disorganised!

JaBCreations said...

Thanks worked it out. Now I just need to BECOME a blogger. :)

Gill said...

Gorgeous! My daughter would love these!

Lien said...

I've been blogging every day (and doing make up posts for the two that I've missed!). Loving Blogtoberfest.

Awa said...

So much prettier than grey London, these are lovely!

Anonymous said...

I like the jewelry set. I was doing so great with Blogging every day then I forgot on Saturday! :( it was such a busy day and I feel bad.

Fairytales&Dreamz said...

just come across this blog and whoooo please include me too, they are gorgeous! x

ally said...

what a great idea for a giveaway!!!
not sure I could ever blog every day...maybe next year!!

planettreasures said...

They are very sweet, I love the orange/pink combo!
How am I going? I think I'm going great - managing to blog every day and I feel quite inspired, just hope i can keep it up after blogtober is over.

Kylie said...

I think I'm surviving...just! I started off so well with a plan and lots of ideas and now it's all gone out the window! Everything is a bit mad for me at the moment, so I've been trying to keep my posts simple. I figure that way I'll be able to keep blogging and not have to stress too much. Am glad you're having such a cute giveaway!

Jennifer Rose said...

been able to post everyday so far, even if its one sentence :p

Julia said...

I'd love to enter this! What a lovely bright and summery set, so happy! xxx

Bron said...

As usual ...such fun and colour that we have come to expect from you. Have a lovely rest of the week. xx

Unknown said...

I love these!
I have missed 2 days so far but that's ok... I'm practicing being kind to myself this time round!! x

Busy Little Chicken said...

Love these! So bright and summery, please add me in to the draw!! :)

bec said...

Hmmm,don't know how I managed to miss this one, glad I found it in time! Count me in!