I'm joining in with 'A Week of Pillowcases' over on Pip's blog hosted by Kirsty.
So far, it's been lots and lots of pillowcasey fun!

This one is another op-shop find from a few months ago. It's a home made Peter Rabbit pillowcase. It has the print on one side and then just a plain cotton fabric on the underside and it's not quite a rectangle.....one of the sides is a little skewed.
Anyhoo, I don't actually have a use for this pillowcase so I would like to give it away to someone who can use it for a project.....any Peter Rabbit fans out there????
To enter, just leave me a comment and I will draw a winner on Sunday and pop it in the post on Monday!
This is super-cute! I think it needs to be either a peg apron or a blog roll for ME!! he he
Very cute Cam! But I'm surprised you're not keeping it to hack up for your bibs or all your lovely quilting or something!!
I love the pillowcase - enter me in the draw! :)
I LOVE Peter Rabbit!!
lovely, my cousin is giving birth in a month, so I would make something for baby out of it.
I heart Peter Rabbit. When I win (hee hee) I'm gonna use the pillowcase pants pattern on Lottielulu's blog to make the Smurf some PJ pants.
oh me me me !!!! include me that is so cute! I never find stuff like that at op shops
Gorgeous pillow case Cam. I have so many projects on the go at the moment I dont know quite what I'd do with it, so no need to include me in the draw.
I so agree with Corrie - I never find any good stuff at op shops! Anyway, I think the Peter Rabbit fabric is very cute, I could make a bib for the bub with it! Know of a good pattern?
Bunnies! just the cutest!!!
Gosh this is a sweet little find! I love homemade pillowcases!
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