I had a fairly quiet day yesterday, apart from the fact that I had to clean up before I started tripping over things on the floor, and I had to visit the supermarket (which I absolutely dread) as I couldn't wash any clothes without some washing powder.

Of course, there was also the need for more tim tams..... I bought the giant pack - and then a giant pack of mint slice too... just in case of emergency.

Gorgeous bag! I have an emergency supply of mint slice too.
i have just posted about my dread of supermarkets!! Good to hear I'm not the only one!
Good to hear Thursday is just around the corner for you.
I hate going to the supermarket because the tim tams and mint slice are there. Other than that, if I can convince myself to look the other way when I walk past them, then I love supermarket shopping!
You never know when an emergency will arrise and it is best to be prepared! I love the bag too - gorgeous colours
I love the bag! The pleats are gorgeous. I've been a bit obsessed with pleats, darts and gathers at the moment. Love the colours too!
I love that you ran out of washing powder but there was no mention of buying extra so this doesn't happen again. Oh, but, you got the supplies of chocolate!!!
The bag is gorgeous, hope you find your quiet time..I am not a fan of grocery shopping either..blah..
Arhhhh, Quite time I wish I knew what that was lol!
Have a wonderful creating!
Cool bag!
Grocery shopping is one of my least favourite things to do and we generally end up really pushing it. At the moment we've gone for just over 3 weeks without shopping, but now we're really starting to run out of even the cupboard food like tinned tomatoes.
Fess up - you were going for the chocolate bikkies first, the washing powder second!
A day of quiet creativity. That sounds so superb. I need one of those too.
Love that bag.
Got myself the giant bag of emergency Mint Slices on Tuesday ;)
I could do with some mint slices right now!
My mum used to freeze them so she wouldn't be so tempted all the time. Probably explains why she's slim and I'm a chubby ball of fun!
I won't even tell you some of the things I've resorted to eating over the past week because I just can not face the supermarket. It's not just the shopping part, it's the dread of knowing how much the privilege is going to cost me $$$
Never fear, Jasper is still in full supply of his steamed chicken! If only I wasn't vegetarian we could probably sustain ourselves on the same dish HA!
I especially enjoyed your post today. Thanks!
Jen in Melbourne
Enjoy your quiet time whilst you can.
you bought them for 'emergency', huh? Suns going down at your house I am sur ethat qualifies as an emergency ;-)
I hate going to the grocery store, always have to deal with kids with heelies and cashiers who can't count to ten :/
and running of out washing powder was only an excuse to get chocolate? ;) would be here lol
they have giant packs of tim tams? i must get my hands on a pack of those!
Hey I have tagged you to play a game on my blog. I hope you can play along.
am LOVING This bag - too divine !!
the bag, the fabrics - all so lovely Cam, and so signature CP!
shopping - I get 2 hours a week sans kids, and usually use it to supermarket shop. what a killjoy am I? there has to be an easier way, and I don't think it's online, just haven't worked it out yet. if I could just stick to menu planning....
btw, love the garden!!
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