Saturday, July 2, 2011

The Great Hottie Challenge Exhibition Opening

Oh what a night!

The Hottie Challenge Exhibition opening at Open Drawer was a smashing success - the gallery was full, everyone had a great time, there were lots of red dots, and lots of donations for the favourite hotties..... all in support of The Margaret Pratt Foundation.

I quickly snapped these photos when I arrived (so they're a little bit blurry), and I've missed an entire section - sorry! I'm sure there'll be lots more photos around the blogs, so I'll be sure to add the links so that everyone can see all the lovely snapshots.

I loved the way that the hotties were hung at different levels.....

....and grouped together in similar themes, colours, or stories.

Each and every hottie is just SO different and amazing and beautiful.

When it came time to make my speech, I decided to leave my pre-prepared notes in my bag, and just speak from my heart.

I really hope that I remembered to thank everybody - Prue and Robyn at Open Drawer for organising this amazing event, each and every lovely person who made a hottie, made a donation, and came along lastnight.

At one stage of the evening, both rooms of the gallery were absolutely full!

I also need to thank my sister Rach for bringing over beautiful flowers beforehand, and to Cathy and Caroline for bringing along beautiful flowers lastnight. I need to have a party at home now to show everyone the flower arrangements!

The exhibition runs until July 24th, and I think it would make a lovely school holiday outing. All of the little people that came along with their parents lastnight had fun picking their favourite hotties.

I still need to organise at least two more trips - I'd love to take my mum and my aunties for a visit, and I also need to take my sisters and some girlfriends.

I highly recommend the cute little cafe two door up for coffee and cake.

The total count lastnight was 113 Hotties on the walls, but there are still a few more coming in. They came from Victoria, Tassie, New South Wales, Australian Capital Territory, Queensland, New Zealand and even the UK!

I'm so proud of the way that crafters are always so generous.... it certainly warms the cockles.

You girls ROCK!

Miss G - Indefinite Space
Find Make Do


Makeminemidcentury said...

That's brilliant! They all look fantastic.

Tas said...

Simply awesome!

Selina said...

113!!! How fabulous! I love this blogging community :)


Kate said...

Wow Cam, it all sounds and looks wonderful. Thank you so much for all your hard work too. Hopefully we'll get there during the week and see for ourselves. Yay!

Catherine said...

It was fantastic! I wish we'd brought more coins - there were sooo many hotties my daughter wanted to vote for (so we'll be heading back again, I think)! I wish I'd heard you speak, though...

Deanne said...

oh wow they all look amazing :)

sister outlaws said...

I was so sorry to miss the opening but will definitely be going to have a look and, if possible, buy one! Don't they all look just fantastic? Well done Cam for all the organising - your a champion! Cheers, Julianne

Stomper Girl said...

Your speech was great and brought a little tear to my eye. They boys had a good time voting for their fave hottie.

Andi said...

I wish I could have been there.
So glad it was a huge success.
Andi xx

Sandrine said...

My goodness they all look so wonderful over 100!!! Thanks so much for posting the pics for those who can't make it :) Sandrine x

Unknown said...

Congratulations they ALL Look Amazing Glad it was a Success for You & the Contributors.

Cate said...

Oh I think we'll definitely be adding this to our list of holiday outings - what a brilliant display!
Well done!!!! How exciting!!!!

Lyndel said...

Vic and I really enjoyed the exhibition. Thanks Cam, sorry we could not stay longer, but he's been talking about it a lot today, and had his favourites...
Lovely to see so many regular bloggers there with their children, all excited about the hotties.

Anonymous said...

Oh wow, don't they lovely all hanging up like that!
I am so glad the night was a success Cam, and I am sure your speech was great. I would have loved to have been there.

Jennie said...

Congratulations Cam!!!
Alot of organisation has gone into making this the success it is. They all look so wonderful displayed so brilliantly. Hugs to you, xxJ.

Mon Alisa Design said...

Congratulations Cam! I'm so happy it went well. The exhibition looks awesome! xxx

Beck said...

They look amazing Cam!! You must be thrilled.Hope you are snuggled up on the couch tonight taking it easy and basking in a warm inner glow, what an amazing job you did. The beauty of something like this is it works on so many levels, raising awareness, funds, imagination and also bringing people together. Well done superstar xo

Nikki said...

Walk proud, Cam - I think a huge chunk of that success was due to your efforts!!

Fiona said...

Congratulations Cam. Looks like a great success and I hope lots of money is raised for the Margaret Pratt Foundation.

Wombat's Picnic said...

Wow - they look wonderful all together! So glad the evening was a success. Thank you for all your organizing, it was a pleasure to participate and yes, its on my list of things to do on the school holidays with the kids:) As my kids would say, you rock Cam:) Cyndy

The Creative Beast said...

WOW!! congratulations on creating and curating such a fantastic exhibition Cam!! this is truly quite an achievement =-)

It all looks AMAZING!! I wish I could be there to see each and every hottie with my own eyes!

Unknown said...

aww well done to you and everyone else involved they look amazing, dee x

cathg1g2 said...

Lucky enough to have some time yesterday to have a look. Amazing works.
Frank at Lulabelles cafe let me bid on his Toasty!
Will be bringing my girls to have a look and choose their fave.
Wonderful idea.

Jennifer Rose said...

they look great all together like that :D so many different colours and ideas for one simple object,its great to see :)

Yarn Wrap said...

planning to take my niece this week

flowerpress said...

Thanks for the photos Cam, the next best thing to being there :-)

Leonie @ Cuppa and Cake said...

WOW...did we do that!!! You must be OVER THE MOON with the result. Leonie xx

Kelly Casanova said...

Excellent display, they look fantastic!

Anonymous said...

it's so wonderful to see them all Cam thank you, I am so happy it went well

Naturally Carol said...

Fantastic! Is this an annual event or a once only? A genius idea for a winter event.

Jodie Maloni said...

I'm heading out there on Tuesday - I can't wait to see them all. Thank you for working so hard on organising the group entry xx

Shaz said...

wow that is heaps of good looking hotties... awesome blog thanks for sharing

Shaz :)

teddybearswednesday said...

Oh Cam, they all look amazing! you should be so proud. you've done an amazing job organising it all xo