I've been far too busy trying to whip up some items for Handmade Help. There's a little basket of baby clothes on the chair, and some kids t-shirts that I'm appliqueing on the ironing board (that all came to a standstill when I ran out of vliesofix).
The bench is covered in piles of fabric to make bags for the Rainbow Comfort Packs. I can't make it to Nikki's amazing sewing bee in Brunswick on Saturday, but I am going to use any spare time that I have on the weekend to make some bags, and then drop them off next week.
If you look even closer, you'll notice that even the Milo and the breakfast cereal didn't get put away thismorning...eeek!
....and on my ottoman, my poor neglected Toy Society Valentine. There's been a little bit more stitching (while watching So You Think You Can Dance) and a few more hearts added. This will definitely be finished tomorrow night so that I can whip up some softies for Handmade Help and The Toy Society.
You can find lots more creativity at Kootoyoo....
You are an incredibly productive lady - you should never be ashamed of your work. Cherrie
How fabulous! Look at all those wonderful things you are doing! Good on you for showing your whole space, don't worry mine is far worse. :)
Sophie x
i know this is hard to believe but my creative space is so bad that if i took a pic and blogged it they would send in a team from oprah or somewhere to make a point of showing how bad people mess can be...yes i hoard as i have mentioned but i can't throw out that scrap of material cause i'm sure it's big enough to make something out of....honest...
love the handmade help...
your a treasure...
Looks super productive, and at least you are organised for breakfast tomorrow.
Hehehe, you've made my day - so brave of you to post ALL your space and make the rest of us feel normal. You have lots going on and I think it's GREAT. Got to love a multi-tasker!
I really wouldn't worry about posting your 'mess' - you are doing so much good so it doesn't matter if it's messy.
if i lived alone, my whole living/dining/kitchen would look like that. it did while i was in college. and then, every-once-in-a-while i would clean it all up, just to show that i could. *smile* i don't know how to be creative without making a mess . . .
The important thing is to create and to have fun doing it. Messy studios we all have. Messy...clean..messy...clean... all year long.
Have fun!
That is exactly how a creative space should look so be proud:) Wow you really have been busy!
Mess is good don't let anybody tell you otherwise. I think we all get alot more done with a bit of mess about. I know I do:)
Wow - talk about productive. What a busy time it is for you, so who cares if your space gets mesy - it's cool!
Good luck with all of your moving house and crafty stuff...
Wow, you are getting lots done, so productive. Don't worry about the mess - we all have some ;)
Oh my gosh you have been so busy and made so much. I am in awe!
What a busy bee you are! I love how everyone is banding together and doing anything and everything they are able to help out. It's truly amazing and really lifts the spirits!
Busy is absolutely best!
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