Monday, April 27, 2009

Play it again Sam

Does it get boring when I just keep posting photos of the same thing over and over and over and over again?

Slightly different take on the same bag design.... Macrosuede top section with Hollabee bottom section - properly interfaced to ensure no more unintentional floppy bottoms.


PaisleyJade said...

No it doesn't at all! I think it's very interesting seeing what different colour and fabric combo's you keep coming up with... keeping playing Sam!

sewfunky said...

I WANT this one! Love, love, love the fabric!!!

Please keep on posting what you make - it's very inspirational! :D

Melanie said...

I never get bored with seeing bags. Ever! fantastic colour combo.

bubbachenille said...

Lovely bags...maybe we should start a bag club cos I too never get tired of seeing them !

Anonymous said...

I want this one..Since your lovely sister is making you dinner maybe a bag is a good hostess gift !

Kitty said...

Hi Cam,
The bags are looking great!
Thanks for all your lovely comments.
It's good to be back in the swing of crafting again.
Good luck with your stall at the thornbury market.

Anonymous said...

NO....your creations are gorgeous woman! nice to see a fellow 'oc' doing her thing...

Katie said...

no not at all, just like a great song that you can hear over and over and over again without ever getting sick of it.

LOVE this bag!

teddybearswednesday said...

No It doesn't!! But you know I worry the same thing about my blog, does it get boring, the same bears over and over, versions and heads that perhaps only I can see the difference. SO I understand your worry, but no it TOTALLY doesn't get boring. your bags are so beautiful!!!xx

Anonymous said...

Not at all. Your bags are great. I especially like this one and boy am I glad I followed that link to hollabee - love their work!

Katy said...

ooo very nice! love the pleats..

Also there is a little parcel on the way to you today!

Cathy {tinniegirl} said...

This one is my favourite so far. Can't wait to see them in real life.

Michelle said...

oh no i adore this colour....
this is a fav for sure!!!!

Cath @ chunkychooky said...

not boring at all. I love your bags.

Jenny said...

Am loving all the bags-never too many! You are certainly on a roll

Michelle said...

Don't you mean "Play it again Cam"?


I love seeing your creations. Don't you dare stop posting them!

Kirsty said...

The bags are looking fabulous Cam. I like the shorter version a lot.

Ulla said...

Your different combinations inspire me to look for new ways to use my stash. How great you found a solution against floppy bottoms!

our shabby cottage said...

I like this one - I just want to touch it....

avid crafter said...

No way! Not when what's being posted is as gorgeous as your bags!!

Amber said...

Never and i really love this

Beck said...

No! Not boring..wonderful x How do you find the time to be so clever and productive? Keep em coming x

Sherrin said...

I wonder the same thing about my own blog at times...

I love this bag Cam. Looks great.

banban said...

I love them! Very cool colours.

Tania said...

I am loving these bags of yours. And I reckon you have the floppy bottom thing nailed.

Melissa G said...

What's this about floppy bottoms? Oh dear! I just had an image that I can't get out of my head.