There are so many ideas and creative visions rolling around in my head at the moment, and it's impossible to do everything that I want all at the same time - so all new ideas are now required to join the queue.
I'm not really sure where this project fits in the queue. I spotted the jumper at an oppy in Yarraville on Saturday. It's pure wool, and I'm assuming that somebody accidentally felted it (therefore saving me the trouble of felting it myself), and then gave it away.

Inspired by the refashioning talents of Gina and Nikki and Tania, I am going to try to refashion it into either a scoop necked cardigan, or a scoop necked vest.
Please try to ignore my pathetic attempts to illustrate what I'm trying to do in photoshop (hopefully it makes enough sense though)!

The jumper looks felted to me. If I just cut it, will it unravel, or am I safe?
How do I finish it - do I have to hem, or overlock the edges?
Disclaimer - I make no promises that I'll even attempt this in the next month!
I've been inspired by those girls to but I am yet to find the right jumper. Good luck with yours, I'd love to see the result.
Forget the overlock. Forget the hem. Forget ALL the rules. At least in my limited experience. For some reason it made me feel better to run a simple straight stitch 5mm or so from the raw edges, but now I can't for the life of me think why. I have worn mine umpteen times (and twice when meeting the friend with the raised eyebrow) and there's nothing fraying on any edges - even when I try teasing it. Have fun!
Good for you for taking a chance with some refashioning. You will have feelings of fear, thrill, why-oh-why, danger, excitement and then hopefully at the end, achievement! I have a felted jumper waiting so can't help with the actual sewing of this one. Tania's comment says to just jump it! Good luck. And I love the photoshop... Great idea to try with pretend scissors.. they are far more forgiving than real ones!
its a gorgeous colour :D
wish I could help with the edges, would be interested to know what other people say :)
It looks like a promising project to me. I'm anxious to see how it turns out.
Cardi, cardi, cardi!!
I don't think it will fray if you cut it and just leave it.
Good luck! I can't wait to see the end result. The colour is gorgeous, just right to cheer you up on a Winter-y day :o)
Have you thought about a boat neck and embellishing it with black, maybe ribbon sen through in large stitches topped off with a black flower of yours in leatherette. The photoshop black looks so effective on this brilliant colour. I already love the look. Cherrie
Lovely colour. I don't think the edges will fray either. Love the idea of edging in black ribbon. Have fun with it.
Have you thought of cotcheting around the edges in black. Also very chic. Cherrie
I am clueless as far as sewing goes, but I can be good moral support: You are brave and adventerous and admirable for that -now you can go and play and detouch from the result!!!(I like that last one)(hehe)
One more thing- the colour is gorgeous-
Have fun,
Haha, the opposite of my post!! Next time I accidently felt, it's yours! HAHAHAHA word verification is crying! no joke!
What a great project! So creative.
Well I'm impressed!! I didn't realise that was photoshop at first - that's amazing that you can do that to see how it will work! Great space :) K
I'd just start chopping and see what happens, there are plenty more felted jumpers in the world (I've accidentally created a few myself!) The felted jumpers I've reused have not needed anything done to the edges.....hope this helps.
I'm the same way. So many ideas, not enough hours.
I bet it will look great...Just get in there and do it..You already have the creative juices flowing :)
great colour and wish u luck in doing this...will be a great project
Looks like an interesting project to attempt. Can't wait to see the results.
a lovely color to work with!
Love the disclaimer. Surely all those incouragement will mean you don't leave it too long.
Go you good thing!! I love that colour Cam. Just cut into it and don't fret. It's an op-shop find and if anything goes awry I know you'll find great uses for the fabric anyway.
If it's well-felted you won't need to finish a thing. You can if you feel safer though.
I like the idea of a vest with a cut up the front, then you could use arm material to add some funk. Or make matching gloves!
Yay I'm so glad you're taking the plunge!!!
Once wool felt it is pretty stable, so you can keep raw edges if you like the look...however if you doubt that it was felted propely you could always put it in the washing machine quite warm but that will shrink it more...
Have fun!
Cut it!! If you don't need to edge it, it could be completed in the time it takes to boil the kettle! Cut Cam cut! You know you want to!!! x
I'm looking forward to the (possible) refashioned result.
Good luck and go for it! It looks felted enough that it won't run. If it doesn't work out, chop it up for brooches - that's what I use for mine!
perfect colour for springy-wintery time...goodluck and don't forget to share
I wish I had something helpful to say, but I don't - other than - Good luck! You seem to be on the right track, and I agree with an earlier commenter - the color of the sweater looks good with black, so maybe use some black as an embellishment.
Okay, I'm done with advice - as I have nothing useful to say...
I'm excited to see the finished project - even if it doesn't come for a month. ;)
I have no advice but wish you good luck. I can't wait to see the final product!!
Yes, I second Willy Wagtail's suggestion of crocheting around the edges! Can you crochet? :)
Great to read your ideas on this piece - hope it works out for you :-)
Ooh, good luck. I've never done anything like that either.
Good luck with the refashioning... you should check out Mim's blog: http://mim-art.blogspot.com/ She has been felting and refashioning jumpers and cardis for yonks (I first saw the idea pop up there) you should find some lovely inspiration there. She sells these and other goodies out of Olive Grove with me) :o)
i like the second image.. full of glamor
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