I thought it would be best to give it a hot wash before I tried to cut it, just to make absolutely sure that it had been properly felted (or fulled). I've never used the hot wash cycle on my front loader, so I cranked the dial up to 90 degrees, added some detergent (not sure whether I should have or not), and let it run through a cycle.

Selina, please stop laughing now.
Oh dear... you know as I was reading this post and got to the bit where you washed it I thought "this could turn out badly" and then I saw the picture----- I did smile--- I'm sorry----- Well, maybe someone really small could wear it--- or you could make sure it is felted properly and turn it into a bag, or some brooches, or both??
You've made me laugh too! What a shame. It was a lovely jumper. You'll have to keep it for some crafting.
It's a beautiful colour and will make gorgeous felt for crafting... Too bad about the wearing...
hehehehehe! you totally cracked me up!
never mind! I did the same with my first one.
When i did the same thing I made the very shrunken jumper into a kids vest, maybe try that?
PMSL! Can't stop myself pointing and laughing. I was expecting the 'after' photo to be your jumper covered in sludge - that's what happened to my clothes when I used a hot wash for the first time ever. Dirty unused pipes.
Thanks for not keeping this a secret. :-)
LOL ... you will still do something wonderful with it I'm sure!
Looks pretty well felted to me...I did not laugh cause with the 90ยบ I kinda new what was coming..but you can still make something very lovely from this beautiful hue...hope you didn't plan to wear this today...but now we all know how to felt things in the washer..
I remember a purple fisherman's rib jumper that I once had. (Must've been around 1986 or 7?) Always hand-washed it. I stayed at my auntie's house and it got washed. Honestly, this previously huge, over-sized jumper shrank to something only little more than the size of an A4 sheet of paper.
I have heard there is a way of fixing these things....
shame as its a lovely colour. A jumper for a really small person now?
Now it is bolero size with short sleeves! Very funny. Obviously it was not badly felted before. Cherrie
A refashioned, really, really, skimpy bikini? (on second thought I recall the crocheted version was traumatic enough!). I see broochery in your future...
Not going to hide it... tee heee!
But in all seriousness, this jumper looks absolutely PERFECT to me as that's what I do to mine deliberately all the time. I love jumpers just like that!!
the sleeves would make some might great wrist warmers, I suspect!
Oh Cam, as soon as I read "Do you remember....", I was worried. I'm sorry that I laughed but it was definately with you, and not at you! I guess it's a lesson learnt and there are some great suggestions for how you can still use the jumper. Maybe you can combine it with another Oppy find and still make something for yourself??
Oh dear...Well we will all learn not to crank up to 90 degrees If we want a gentle felting effect;)
I am sure it is not all lost,maybe it has to have a plan B?Things are not clicking for me eather and will have to have a plan B too ;)Good luck Cam;) xx
At least your honest. That is too funny.
How about a refashion for a little girl????
My frontloader felts everything wool I put into it - really well! Like too well! Which is okay if I want something felted to do craft with, but not okay when it's my best jumper. It's a running joke in my house that if I have anything wool it's gonna end up in the craft pile!
Ahahaha! When craft goes wrong with style :-) I love it!
Detergent helps the felting process, sorry! Maybe if the sleeves haven't shrunk too much you can cut it up and turn it into a cardigan/bolero for the new spring weather? It's a gorgeous colour and would look so good over a summer cotton dress!
Holly xx
lol can't speak!!! give me a minnie..........................................ooooh that is so funny, maybe a hot water bottle cover!!
Oh no!
Three quarter sleeve bolero? :)
I'm sure it can be rescued! And if not then you have some great material for making softies :)
lolololol! a midriff refashion!!!!
Sorry but I was laughing before I even finished the first sentence! Oh well, its all a learning experience. Thanks for sharing the failures and succeses. There wouldn't be much fun in it if it all turned out perfectly every time.
I am so looking forward to seeing what this becomes!
Oh no - gorgeous colour to use in your brooches though?
Hmmm... does it still fit you at all? Maybe you could convert it into one of those mini cardigans...
Thanks for the giggle at your expense (I really needed it!)
I agree with the previous poster, try it on as a mini 3/4 sleeve cardi ;)
ooops! it's felted now!
whether you had used soap or not wouldn't have mattered. Unfortunately I think the 90 degrees did it :(
Any small people in your life that you could make this into a cardi for one of them? :)
I'm working on a patchwork blanket right now with felted sweaters and to be honest I wish I'd had your shrinking luck with one of the sweaters I'm using...the thing is 100% lambs wool and WON'T felt for anything!
Ahem, I think you may have taken the concept JUST A TAD TOO FAR. However, I do commend you for being brave enough to display your um... creation?
Thanks for my entertainment for the week!!
I do this all the time - but on purpose - this is what I would do - cut off the arms as long as you can get them and try them on, create some great fingerless gloves. If the sleeves are too wide, turn inside out and sew up the seam to make them more narrow and form fitting, then cut a hole for the thumb (check my store for photos if you need a visual)
With the body of the sweater you could make a purse, pillow, brooches, a cute stuffie - the possibilties are endless. Turn this negative into a positive.
All the best!!
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