Saturday, March 27, 2010


The puddle finally dried out.....

.... and the finished creation has been taken home.

I'm hoping it'll be filled with easter eggs next time I go and visit!


bec said...

Was the bowl saved by the gladwrap? Lokks good- could be re-used at melbourne Cup time heehee

Miss Muggins said...

Looks like the perfect nest for a large stash of easter bunny droppings...I mean eggs!

Rie said...

It looks awesome! You should make chocolate crackle eggs to fill it with!

Kate said...

Wow Cam, that is gorgeous. Just like a real nest. X

Anonymous said...

I love Cam it has turned out sooo well I think we all should make one!!

Christy said...

Wow, your fabric bowl looks fabulous Cam! I love it!

lana said...

That looks cool, sooo going to make one with the three munchkins.

Trudi - Me and Ewe said...

Looks fab Cam - I love all the different colours and textures. I am sure your nephew loves it!

Leonie said...

Coooooool! You are a wonderful aunt bet they love staying over at your house!!!

Cass said...

Looks great Cam but I won't be letting Charlotte see this blog post. I can see this in my future

MooBear Designs said...

Oh Cam... it's perfect!! You know I just love the use of scraps!!

xo Steph

Tania said...

I'm lots of impressed. With that amazing bag in your previous post as well as your fearless combination of kid and slatherings of glue.

Janice said...

Most importantly, does your nephew love it? He should be really pleased with how it turned out.

Jennifer Rose said...

neat looking bowl :D glad it dried in time

Unknown said...

Yay it's dry and it looks awesome....Make sure to snap a pic, when you go visit it full of eggy goodness :)

banban said...

Love it, very funky.

satin is my word verification, don't you just love it when it's a real word.... and a fabric word even better!

teddybearswednesday said...

Oh Cam it's magnificent!! really beautiful.
My chickies are very jealous :)

Melanie Gray Augustin said...

Looks like a very enticing spot for the easter bunny to leave treats.

sewfunky said...

turned out awesomely!

I think it would make a great activity for me to do with my daughters over the easter hol's! :)

Sally said...

What a huge success. Brilliant. I love it... love it I tell you. LOVE IT!