Thanks to the trusty unpicker (is there a proper name for this tool), I managed to whip up a flannel baby wrap.
There was a bit of kiddie crafting action on the weekend. My eldest nephew came over for a sleepover and wanted to do some sewing (only because I was sewing). He decided Friday night that he needed a neck pillow so he could lay on the couch and watch Collingwood. I cut him the two rectangles of fabric (so that he didn't have to use the rotary cutter). I drew a seam line on the fabric with a texta, and then let him sew the seams on the sewing machine, stuff it with polyfill, and then sew up the opening with a big dolls needles and some embroidery floss. I think he did a pretty good job.
Then on Saturday morning, the weather was miserable so decided that he wanted to make himself a pencil case. We picked out an op-shopped zipper from the stash (which I sewed on...not very well) and then I let him sew up the seams and turn it out (no drawn lines this time).
He sewed it fairly straight....there were just a few problems with the leadfoot on the pedal.
The sewing talent/gene must run in your family. That pencil case is pretty awesome.
I think it's official name is "unpicker"!! I use mine so often that I'm thinking of puttin a hole through it and attaching to a chain around my neck.
You and your nephew make a formidable sewing team!
Loving your boy's work.
The name that gadget is sold under (certainy used to be anyway) is'QuickUnpick'.
The Quick Unpick & I are very firm friends.
I managed to sew the cuff on the boy pants at the top the other night and didn't notice until I had done the whole thing. I think you have a new sewing prodigy there though - Yeah the boys!
LOL!!I thought only I did things like that!The quick uppicker is a very well used item in my house!Your nephew has great sewing potential!
The Curlypops Shop looks great and X did a great job with his pencil case, very cool with the camoflauge!!
Nice work getting a boy into a bit of sewing! Great projects.
I'm with Michelle on the upicker - I really think there should be something that you can hang around your neck. My motto is "two seams forward, one seam rip back"
I agree with trashalou it's called a quickunpick! :)
I think when my crafting days turn to disaster it's often best to just put down whatever it is and have a break. My frustration level is just set too high on those days!
Love that floral fabric you've used on the blanket. Gorgeous!
Your nephew did an amazing job! I love seeing boys learn to sew. Your flannel wrap looks gorgeous.
Oh yes, I think most sewing creationists (like that description better than sewers - hate words that have exact same spelling, two pronunciations and so totally different meanings!) end up having a very close relationship with their trusty little QuickUnpick.
Love the creations from your nephew.
Yep, I also have to have my unpicker (that's what I always call it but thought it was actually called a "seam ripper") by my side, I'm often sewing things the wrong way.
Great to see that your nephew had a great time sewing!
My seam rippers and I are best friends. That's why I have three within easy reach of my sewing machine, plus several more scattered around, and I am petrified to throw any away; what if I can't find one, at a crucial moment!? Oh, the horror!!
And seems like talent runs in the family..brilliant jobs for a first timer! :p
That happens to me a lto too sewing wrong side to right side. I guess it's when we wanna go to fast. Great post by the way. Come by my blog I'm having a giveaway.
That's great! I bet he loved it!
Ruth xx
I have days like this. Frustrating isn't it! What a great Aunty you are. Those projects are awesome!!!
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