Friday, September 26, 2008

Love Fridays.....

I'm a little bit late with Love Friday today....
After my little spree at the oppy, I whizzed up a 5 minute orange cake in the blender. Whilst that was in the oven baking, I sat out in the garden with a cup of tea, the magazines from Liesl, and some shortbread biccies and had a lovely relaxing afternoon.
Just what I needed!

Head on over to visit Cathy and play along with Love Friday too...


The Essess said...

hope you left some cake for me toworrow???

Anonymous said...

wow! unpeeled oranges?! that sounds so amazing ... zingy? yum!

Two Peas In a Pod said...

Have a great friday. Having a cup of tea in the garden would be devine. Cheers Kyla

JuliaB said...

Gosh i'm glad it's Friday too. AND we had sunshine too!!

Maureen Reynolds said...

Magazines are the best! I think I'll have to try that cake after I convert the measurements. With the chopped up orange, it sounds pretty good.

Nikki said...

Mmmmmm... orange cake. I make a flourless version where you BOIL whole oranges before you whizz them and add half a ton of ground almonds. I like the sound of the fresh ones being used.... she says, bookmarking the page.

Hope you enjoy a bit of that sunshine today. It looks nice out there.

Cathy {tinniegirl} said...

Your Op Shop loot is pretty impressive. Glad you got to enjoy some time in the lovely Spring weather.

seldom said...

Hi, I sent you a CD as part of the summer mix CD swap and I just wanted to apologise for putting a track in there with swearing on it (its by (Gonazales)- I thought I had put the clean version on. I'm so sorry!

Drewzel said...

Sounds like a lovely afternoon! go you!