Look what arrived in yesterdays mail.....this package of loveliness from Stacey at Sheeps Clothing. A beautiful beanie with detachable flower brooch, scarflette, and yummy chocolate.
It's a perfect size for my weirdly small head. I would have included a photo of me actually wearing them, but it would have been mighty difficult to photoshop my head out in-between.....

The wool is sooooo warm and soft......
The scarflette is such a fantastic idea because it's small enough to wear on a chilly day and then take off and fit into your handbag. I'm going to wear it on my little outing later today.
Thankyou so much Stacey, I absolutely love it!
Glad you like it! It was lovely to swap with you.
I was wondering how you'd photograph the hat yet still remain anonymous!!
Curly, they are gorgeous. YOu lucky thing!
Beautiful colour! Love that detachable flower, too.
Good thing the winter is sticking around, you should still get some good use from them :) I'm drawn to red wool at the moment, very nice!
Gorgeous colour! I'm off to check out the sheeps clothing now.
Just gorgeous - they will be handy for the spring weather ... it doesn't look like getting warm anytime soon!
Curly Pops - that little ensemble is so gogeous. We are into spring weather here in Hawkes Bay now so scarves have been discarded but next year...
I love the colour too. It was a wonderful arrangement...win/win.
Styling! Looks awesome. Very cool!
Oh that is a great color. I love them both, tho I rarely wear a hat. I'd still love to have them!!
Oh how absolutely lovely! Stacey is very talented indeed isn't she! I wish I could justify purchasing some of her gorgeous knitted wear - however Sunny QLD doesn't offer much opportunity.....so I'm contenting myself with wearing her hairclips instead :)
Oh, and I can't remember if I commented earlier - but the apron you made her was simply delicious!!!!! What a great swap!
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