Usually my postie only ever delivers bills, but today I received 2 lovely pieces of mail.

Firstly, this beautiful package from
Sherrin. Talk about speedy service, I only ordered them yesterday and they are here already. Three gorgeous floral fabric covered badges and a pretty little block print card! And they were exquisitely wrapped up with yarn and a button (I forgot to take a photo before I ripped into it so I tried to re-create the packaging). The black one will look really nice on my black woollen cardi, the blue one on my green corduroy jacket, and I think I'm going to use the orange and purple one on a scarf.

Then, in the next's happened at Australia Post? Posties are never that speedy. Must be a slow mail week.
Sherrin does make beautiful parcels:) Those badges look fantastic. Most say I'm waiting for payday to make a purchase on a pods one or the kimono - or maybe both:)
I got nice mail today too. My copy of Cloth Paper Scissors magazine arrived to inspire me.
glad you like them Cam!! :o)
Oh you lucky, lucky lady!
gorgeous badges. Gotta love the postman when he gets it right xoxo
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