My nephews birthday party was lots of fun. Everybody had a great time. He got lots of lovely pressies and there was lots of lovely food to eat.

This is my sister saving the ice-cream cake as my nephew tried to stick his hands in!

They finally arrived yesterday! I haven't had a chance to read them yet because I had visitors over for dinner lastnight. Tonight I'm going to sit on the couch and read my books and watch trashy tv (I love that the Biggest Loser is back on and So You Think You Can Dance has started)!

I started on another top yesterday. I just have to sew the straps on and modify the back of it a little bit, so hopefully I will finish it today.
In other news, I joined Brown Owls on the weekend. I joined up as a Sixer so I can go to 10 meetings a year. I've never done anything like this before so it's a bit nerve racking. I can't wait to meet some new crafty ladies but I'm a bit shy so I might just hide in the corner at the first meeting. I'm hoping that I might learn how to knit and crochet. I'm also hoping that I might learn how to use the overlocker that I bought on Ebay...
Hi, I just found your blog. I really enjoy it and will be a return visitor!
Hi, I've just joined Brown Owls too! Don't hide in the corner - everyone feels the same way when meeting a big bunch of new people. You'll be right mate!
Brown Owls is going to be great!
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