It is too hot for my liking....25 degress and sunny would be much nicer. Enough with the 35 degrees and hot winds.
As a result of this lovely weather, I've had to move my sweat shop into the kitchen (it's the only room in the house with air conditioning). Needless to say, my kitchen has gone from serene cooking area to messy sewing area in the last couple of days.
I have managed to finish a few things......

This is an apron for a friends daughter. We were shopping in Queenscliffe on Saturday and she saw an apron in one of the shops that she liked, so I offered to make her one instead. I'm not quite sure on the sizing. I just used an adult apron and made it smaller. Her favourite colour is blue, so I used bright blue cotton with denim pockets for the front, and a blue floral for the back. I hope she likes it!

I've now finished 28 bibs for the twins. I'm going to take a break from these for now. I still need to make some girl bibs for my mums friends grandaughter. I've cut them out but I haven't started any sewing yet.

Then the next request is a baby bjorn cover for my sister. That one is going to take some time to work out. I might have to use muslin to see if it works first before I waste anything nice.

And I must confess that I have been fabric shopping again.........but I had a very good reason. Last week, I put a towel on top of my rotary cutting mat, and proceeded to iron some fabric. My cutting mat really really didn't like this and decided to shrivel up a bit in a few places making it impossible to cut on, so I had to go and buy a new one, (if you look at the top photo, you will see that I now have my table top ironing board out instead). I couldn't help myself but to rummage through the remnant bins to see what bargains I could find while I was there! I really really have to stop buying fabric now, because I'm running out of room to store it all.
What a cute apron, I'm sure your friend will just love it!! Wow... Talk about a bib production line, well done!! The twins should be right for bibs for a while now. I can't resist a fabric bargin either, I love the little frog fabric that you bought...
You have been so busy - this heat is killing me- I do not like it at all.
We are supposed to be getting a cool change today. (fingers crossed)
wow. That's A LOT of bibs! very cute apron too! :o) (and yeah, the weathers nuts. I was holed up in my sewing room sweltering too, hot weather, an airless room and an iron don't mix. Lucky you with air con!)
You really have been working hard. Super effort. I'm sure that apron will be well loved. I think the girls in the photo were on holidays at Marysville.
Oh sorry - you asked where I got the album. I think I picked it up at Camberwell Antiques.
Wowsers! 28 bibs! And in the heat too! You are more dedicated than me.
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