I've never tried to make a skirt before, but I've been admiring all of the lovely twirly skirts that I've seen on other blogs, so I decided to try one out for a friends daughter. I started out following Lara's tutorial, but I made quite a few mistakes (I'm terrrible at following instructions), so there was lots of unpicking involved!
I used the gorgeous apple fabric that Amy sent me, and teamed it with some of my favourite spots and stripes (and bias tape at the bottom of course). I just have to add the elastic to the waistband and then it's ready to go.
One handmade present down....... about ten more to go!
It looks great Cam - well done.
beautiful work! a lucky little girl indeed!!
What a fancy skirt for a 'first time' skirt maker! Love your fabric choices too.
The skirt looks so good and super sweet but not the traditional pinkie type. I really like it and I think it will be just perfect for twirling
I spied this skirt in google reader and my first thought was "oh! I own that fabric too!" I'd completely forgotten about theassorted pinks I sent your way.
I think you've done a great job on it and I love the striped ruffled with the band of dots. That colour combination was just perfect.
The unpicking has been worth it as it looks great! How cute are those apples?! All little girls should have hand made skirts. Can't wait to see what other Christmas projects you have up your sleve! :)
Its gorgeous - what a lovely gift!
(In my experience there is a direct correlation between the twirliness of the skirt and the amount of unpicking a resewing required!).
Cute, I love the stripey down the bottom.
Is 20 too old for this look? I would totally wear it to work.
a first skirt sewing effort that looks this good is an achievement to be proud of, no matter how much unpicking was involved (you'll learn that is as much a sewing skill as any other!)
LOVE IT! and I'm sure the little girl who receives it will too.
Great combo of fabrics there Cam. Well done for a first! Now onto the rest of the list!! LOL
So sweet! Only 10! Have fun!
This is so sweet, you did a good job for your first!
Truely gorgeous. Sometimes it's all about the material you use. And you made a fabulous choice.
wow, great job! Really well done, and oh so cute. I wish I had a girl. *sigh* :)
Gorgeous! You have inspired me! x
A very posh-whizzey, whizzey skirt! Loving the fabric combinations.
I love your choices of fabric! What a great first go - you've inspired me to try and learn how to make clothing as well :)
Looks great Cam, love the fabrics
Excellent skirt! Love the fabric you have used - looks perfect for twirling.
Oh how beautiful! I can't believe that is your first skirt ever! You have quite the talent girl!
cute skirt - my 8 year old now wants one JUST like it - so I guess I'm gonna have to grant her wish for Christmas...
Very cute. I can't believer that is your first skirt! How'd you manage that til now???
What a gorgeous skirt!I love that apple fabric.
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