But just look what I picked up from freecycle last weekend! It's in perfect condition, and I can stack and hang all sorts of crafty things, and then wheel them around the house.
I had to take it apart to fit it in the car, and then it took me about 2 hours to put it back together when I got home (and I ended up putting the shelves together upside down), but it was soooooo worth it.
I love trawling freecycle even though I have yet to find anything in my little part of the world. Country people seem slower to take up these initiatives. C herrie
Cyber swipe! Man I need one of those groovy hangy thingies in my life. Hmmm when we get back to Australia, I NEED to check out freecycle. For now, I guess I just filch the change table/bath from CT.
That's super cool! Lucky score!
Thats a real score. thanks for the link I have just gone over and joined up so I can check out what its all about and I may have some stuff for them too as the Boo gets bigger and doesnt need all the baby paraphenalia any longer
Thanks for the info, I am going to join up to and check out my local group. :)
Great score! I joined years ago but never bothered looking...oops.
lucky you. something like this would be great.
That's a brilliant idea ... and all the better for being free!
I'm so addicted to freecycle! And during the whole moving process it's been invaluable. That rolling closet thingy is pretty awesome!
very nice
I love the idea of wheeling my crafty stuff around the house with me! I would never have to be separated from my fabric!
fabulous find and you look organised.......er not that u didn't before!
I love freecycle. I love the fact that I can post things and that instead of having to drive somewhere to dispose of it, *other people* come and remove it for me! And better still, they actually *want* to use it! I've picked up a few cool things along the way too. And then there was the time my dad wanted to make a path in the backyard, and so I replied to an offer of 400 red bricks... and then had to go pick them up...
Great organiser!!
Love the mobile hanger - how wonderful to be able to move your craft station to different parts of the house!
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