On my desk is
no longer..... so today
Amy is hosting
On My Fridge instead!
I don't like a lot of clutter on the front of the fridge......

I have a postcard from Venice from some friends who recently had a European holiday (lucky them), and the invitation for my nephews birthday party earlier this month.....

mixtapezine magnet, and a thermometer....

.....and this is the side where I hide all the mess!
The clothespin magnets are a great idea and Nico is so cute that he deserves the whole front of the fridge to himself!
But I have to say that the side of your fridge looks fun. I'd love to peak in there some day!
Thanks for playing along!
that is exactly like my fridge!!!! front is sparse nd clean and side is chockers with crap great minds think alike!!!
Your fridge is so neat, mine is an absolute mess although I have been contemplating cleaning it up
hehehe, I am another one who hides all the mess down one side!
I cant stand stuff on the front, but occassionally I will put one of the kids drawings or a star chart on there, but everything else goes on the side!
I posted for on my fridge and next I will do the tag!!!
I'm yet another side-of-fridge-mess-hider! The front of mine looks pretty groovy though - with magnetic words, and little golden book magnets I made :)
I too am a all the clutter on the side of the fridge person.
You and I have the same fridge - although ours is stainless steel.
Good fridge!
Ha - I do that side thing too but they creep around the front all the same.
Hee hee, I've got all the crap and takeaway menus and phone numbers all down the side, and menus the other side AND fun stuff the front.
What else is a fridge but a large surface for magnetic collage?
You should see the "messy" sides (and yes that is both!) on my fridge. I have to keep buying more and more of those magnetic pegs to hold everything up. The only reason the front is tidy is that it has a brushed steel finish and magnets won't stick!
Oh, I love the picture of Venice.... so lovely! Your fridge is so so clean.... mine has too much sometimes.
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