I've posted this one before during the week of 'This is my jewellery box'.
I don't have many childhood possessions left. I moved house at least 19 times in my first 21 years and since then (another 13 years) I've only moved twice. Most of my childhood possessions would have been purged during the many early house moves but I've managed to hang on to this one. This was my first ever jewellery box that I got it back in the 1970's when I was a little girl. I can't remember who gave it to me or what it was for but I think it was probably a birthday gift.
The music box doesn't work automatically anymore but you can still manually spin the little wheel to make it play 'Raindrops keep fallin' on my head'. I still think it's really sweet.
Thanks to Angela and Danielle for another stroll down memory lane.......
It's lovely and great to keep more treasures from the present time in!
How cute! We have a similar music box but obviously not as old and special as yours :)
that is such a sweet little box- it's great that you've hung onto it!
A music box never loses its appeal - it's lovely.
It is so super sweet this box!!
I'm a bit the same re: house moves and possessions. I've moved more times than I can count (including 4 times internationally). ANYTHING that I still have after a few years becomes HUGELY sentimental.
PS. Raindrops keep falling on my head is my daughter's favourite song!!! I've never heard of it as a music box tune, and now I WANT a music box that plays it!!
That jewellery box is gorgeous. What a beautiful piece to have from your childhood. Beautiful.
This is such a sweet little music box! And it's survived the years and many moves so well! I'm really digging this week's theme, so good to see everyone's childhood treasures.
I love the picture on your music box. And there is something special about listening to a little piece of music from your childhood too.
I recall this one...and it really is hard to keep some stuff after all the moves. I know about that!
That song is one that while old, can still bring a smile to my face when I mentally hear it, as I'm doing now. Good post. ;-)
How divine!
Awww that's beautiful. The design on the top is gorgeous... and it plays Raindrops Keep Falling on My Head! Wonderful!!
It's lovely! The picture on the front is just gorgeous!
I remember when you showed this last time. It's SO cute. I just remembered I used to have one of those little boxes that played music too, and there was a ballerina that twirled around slowly too. Wow, I loved that, I wonder where it ended up?
That is a gorgeous box. I remember having pictures similar to the one on the top of that box in my room.
I know what you mean about having your childhood things purged. I honestly don't know if I have any left. I may have had a few books, but they've all be destroyed in our storage container while we've been living here :(
It is a very sweet jewellery box and I love it's choice of song too :)
This is so lovely, what a special thing!
I must've missed this last time - it's devine! I could never give this away. I can't believe it plays that tune, that's too cool!
Wonderful that you still have a few childhood mementos with you. We moved about a lot when I was growing up too... and even more so now that I've been on my own. It's so very difficult to hold onto it all.
Thanks so much for sharing your story!
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