Lo and behold, Sam from Whizz Me is having a craft book cull via her etsy shop so I was able to pick up these three lovely books. I haven't had a chance to sit down and read them just yet but I'm hoping to get to them this week some time.
I also want to buy the new Vickie Howell book that I saw over here on the Mixtape blog and over here on Stephs Shabby Chicken blog. I might just need a little afternoon shopping spree to the local bookshop!
You're a knitting-machine! I bought the book by Vickie Howell but haven't gotten around to using it yet... crochet has taken over my world.
I helped contribute to Whizz Me's NY fund too. Great books! I love the ones I bought too. Isn't the card she sent so cute too?
Thanks for the tip about Vickie Howell book I am off to check it out!
Aunty Pat would be proud of you!
Knitter of the Year award goes to Cam!!! whohoooo!!!!
I love craft books. It's so much fun adding new ones to the collection. Hope they give you lots of new ideas and inspiration.
Yay! Always great to welcome another knitter into the fold.
Compassionate Knitting and Mindful Knitting look like they would be very interesting.
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