Sunday, November 9, 2008

Mikes Week of Happy - Day 5

A happy Melbourne Sunday.....

The Bizarre Bazaar and Sunday Market at The Arts Centre.....

Blue skies over the city......

Eye Fillet Steak with garlic mash, asparagus, and pesto at Bellisimo at Docklands (forgot to take a photo)....

More sunshine......

....and photos taken out of the window of the car (no I wasn't driving)!


Liesl said...

Sounds like a very nice way to spend Sunday. I like your pictures of the new ferris wheel. I can't wait to ride on it in the new year!

Melanie Gray Augustin said...

What a fabulous looking Sunday! Now I'm getting homesick!

Michelle said...

what lovely weather for a day out...
i'd be no good on the ferris wheel thou...terrified of heights...

Jenny said...

Beautiful blue sky-looks like you had a great Sunday-that ferris wheel looks very inviting!

Taccolina said...

Ooh, did you find any treasures at the market and the bazaar? A perfect day for it.

mill said...

Wow what nice blue skies! Over here it's been grey and cloudy for ages.

trash said...

There was lots I didn't recognise but feel certain I know that bridge.

Anonymous said...

What lovely sunny day pics!

The Spiegeltent is visiting Sydney and I am going on Tuesday night to see Holy Throsby. I cant wait!

Kirsty said...

What a gorgeous day you had Cam.

Drewzel said...

Did you buy anything, huh huh?

JuliaB said...

Gosh .. i have a picture of my mum when she was 17 wearing a stripey shirt and looking just like that girl in at the top! x