I wait..........
I wait quite often.......
I sometimes wait for a looooooong time.......
I think I wait a lot more than the average person.......
Now I have a portable craft to keep me company while I'm waiting......
I could tell that all the mummas and nonnas were jealous because I was knitting while they were just waiting........
Todays wait = 40 minutes ..... I'm not a very fast knitter.....
Why does blogger keep removing my spacing....grrrrr
ooh... cute bag! I have some of that fabric coming in the mail :-)
What do you have to wait so long for? I'm intrigued!
I totally agree, that space thing is so annoying...I've tried to figure out why but no luck yet...
The time always passes more quickly when you are doing something productive - it is great to have a portable craft - beats those out of date waiting room magazines hands down! Love your knitting bag and the texture of your Manor wool looks lovely!
The space thing drives me nuts. Seems to be more of a probelm when I include a Flickr photo and/or bullet points.
Sometimes I resort to HTML code
for a breaking space.
Clever you bringing your knitting for all the waiting! I usually have a project bag for crochet and I put that out whenever required.
Pity you can't pack The Great Pants Challenge into your bag too. Or maybe you can ... how do you feel about using one of those daggy hand-held sewing gadgets (do they ever really work??)?
Blogger spacing drives me crazy too. I'm kind of assuming its controlled by the underlying template style sheets (ie. I've given up, as working out a solution is an impossible dream).
That's so cool that you can take something like that with you for the monotonous waiting (hate that).
Blogger is a bit of a pest with the spacing! And I don't like the way it doesn't leave a space at the very end - I have to put the html paragraph tags in to give a bit of space after my post (before the footer with the date, post a comment, etc).
Knitting is a great portable craft!
There's that lovely wool again! Is that your special knitting bag? I love the matroyshka fabric.
knitting is perfect for waiting ! and blogger is not perfect for making things look nice - it just spaces wherever it feels like it GGGRRR
I love your bag!!! So funky with the little babushkas! Yep, I hate waiting. But if I have a book or a sketchpad with me, I never notice the time.
Yeah, portable craft is cool. I love knitting and crochet for that. Some days I wish I could bring it to work and do it during meetings. Which would actually be fine because you can concentrate at the same time but people would freak out.
It really does making waiting so much easier doesn't it.
You have waiting down pat! I'm thrilled I've found your bog :)
you are the knitting addict! Totally!
If the space thing is bothering you too much, go into the HTML tab of your posting screen and type in <..br..> when you want to put a line in... except without the dots. (They're just there so that the code doesn't disappear when i publish this comment.)
Yes! knitting is great for all those times spent waitng around. Mostly I knit while waiting in the car - Last week miss 5 declared my knitting at soccer practise made me look like a granny !!!
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